TSTA7500 ,GaAlAs IR Emitting Diode in Hermetically Sealed TO18 Case Document Number 810462 (6) Rev. 2, 20-May-99P – Power Dissipation ( mW )VI – Forward Current ( ..
TSTS7502 ,GaAs 950 nm standard IR emitterTSTS750.Vishay TelefunkenGaAs IR Emitting Diodes in Hermetically Sealed TO18CaseDescriptionThe TSTS ..
TSTS7503 ,GaAs 950 nm standard IR emitterAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25
GaAlAs IR Emitting Diode in Hermetically Sealed TO18 Case
Vishay Semiconductorswww.vishay.comDocument Number 81046
GaAlAs IR Emitting Diode in Hermetically Sealed TO18
DescriptionTSTA7500 is a high efficiency infrared emitting diode
in GaAlAs on GaAlAs technology in a hermetically
sealed TO–18 package. Its flat glass window makes it
ideal for use with external optics.
Features High radiant power Suitable for pulse operation Wide angle of half intensity ϕ = ± 30 Peak wavelength p = 875 nm High reliability Good spectral matching to Si photodetectors
94 8400
ApplicationsRadiation source in near infrared range
Absolute Maximum RatingsTamb = 25C