TSC2006IRTJR ,Nano-Power Touch Screen Controller with SPI Serial Interface 20-QFN -40 to 85features, the TSC2006– 544μW at 1.6V, 50SSPSoffers preprocessing of the touch screen– 280μW at 1.2V ..
TSC2006IRTJT ,Nano-Power Touch Screen Controller with SPI Serial Interface 20-QFN -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)At T = –40°C to +85°C, SNSVDD = V = +1.2V to +3.6V, I/OVDD = +1.2V to ..
TSC2006IRTJTG4 ,Nano-Power Touch Screen Controller with SPI Serial Interface 20-QFN -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS• Personal Digital Assistants23• 4-Wire Touch Screen Interface• Cellular Phone ..
TSC2007 ,Nano-Power Touch Screen Controller with I2C Serial InterfaceMAXIMUM RATINGSOver operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted).PRAMETER TSC2007 ..
TSC2007IPW ,Nano-Power Touch Screen Controller with I2C Serial Interface 16-TSSOP -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
TSC2007IPWG4 ,Nano-Power Touch Screen Controller with I2C Serial Interface 16-TSSOP -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt T = –40°C to +85°C, V = +1.2V to +3.6V, unless otherwise noted.A DDTSC ..
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UC1517J/883B , Stepper Motor Drive Circuit
UC1524 ,Advanced Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
UC1524AJ ,Advanced Regulating Pulse Width ModulatorsFEATURESFully Interchangeable withStandard UC1524 FamilyPrecision Reference InternallyTrimmed to i1 ..
UC1524J/883B ,Advanced Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
UC1524J/883B ,Advanced Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
Nano-Power Touch Screen Controller with SPI Serial Interface
www.ti.com......................................................................................................................................................... SBAS415C–JUNE 2007–REVISED MARCH 2009
1.2V to 3.6V, 12-Bit, Nanopower, 4-Wire
TOUCH SCREEN CONTROLLER with SPI™ Interface Personal Digital Assistants
23• 4-Wire Touch Screen Interface Cellular Phones•
Ratiometric Conversion Portable Instruments•
Single 1.2Vto 3.6V Supply •
Point-of-Sale Terminals•
Preprocessingto Reduce Bus Activity •
MP3 Players, Pagers•
High-Speed SPI-Compatible Interface •
Multiscreen Touch Control Systems•
Internal Detectionof Screen Touch Register-Based Programmable: 10-Bitor 12-Bit Resolution The TSC2006isa very low-power touch screen
– Sampling Rates controller designed to work with power-sensitive,
handheld applications that are based on advanced
– System Timinglow-voltage processors.It works witha supply voltage•
On-Chip Temperature Measurement as low as 1.2V, which can be supplied bya•
Touch Pressure Measurement single-cell battery. It contains a complete,
Auto Power-Down Control ultralow-power, 12-bit, analog-to-digital (A/D) resistive
touch screen converter, including drivers and the•
Low Power: control logicto measure touch pressure.
– 707μWat 1.8V, 50SSPS additionto these standard features, the TSC2006
– 544μWat 1.6V, 50SSPS offers preprocessing of the touch screen
– 280μWat 1.2V, 50SSPS measurementsto reduce bus loading, thus reducing
69μWat 1.6V, 8.2kSPS Eq. Rate the consumptionof host processor resources that can
thenbe redirectedto more critical functions.
– 43μW 1.2V, 8.2kSPS Eq. Rate an SPI-compatible serial bus•
Enhanced ESD Protection: