TS3A26746EYZPR ,2 X 2 Crosspoint Switch for Audio Applications 6-DSBGA -40 to 85FEATURESPINOUT• Ultra Low R for GND Switch (80-mΩ typical)ON21• R for MIC Switch <10-ΩON• 3.0V to 3 ..
TS3A27518EPWR ,6-Bit, 1-of-2 Mux/Demux with 240 MHz Bandwidth 24-TSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TS3A27518E is a bidirectional, 6-channel,1• 1.65-V to 3.6-V Single-Supply ..
TS3A27518EZQSR ,6-Bit, 1-of-2 Mux/Demux with 240 MHz Bandwidth 24-BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR -40 to 85 SCDS260D–MARCH 2009–REVISED MAY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsRTW PackagePW Package24-Pin W ..
TS3A44159PWR ,0.45-Ohm Quad SPDT Analog Switch Quad-Channel 2:1 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer with Two Controls 16-TSSOP -40 to 85features make this device suitable for portable• ESD Performance Tested Per JESD 22audio applicatio ..
TS3A44159PWRG4 ,0.45-Ohm Quad SPDT Analog Switch Quad-Channel 2:1 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer with Two Controls 16-TSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TS3A44159 is a bidirectional 4-channel single-1• Specified Break-Before-M ..
TS3A44159RGTR ,0.45-Ohm Quad SPDT Analog Switch Quad-Channel 2:1 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer with Two Controls 16-QFN -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics for 4.3-V Supply ...... 912.3 Glossary. 236.10 Typical Characteristics.. ..
U813BS , 1.1-GHz Prescaler for PLLs in TV, CATV and SAT TV Tuners
U833BS , 1.3-GHz Prescaler for PLLs in TV, CATV and SAT TV Tuners
U842B , Wiper Control for Intermittent and Wipe/ Wash Mode
U842B , Wiper Control for Intermittent and Wipe/ Wash Mode
U842B , Wiper Control for Intermittent and Wipe/ Wash Mode
2 X 2 Crosspoint Switch for Audio Applications
X2 Crosspoint Switch for Audio ApplicationsCheckfor Samples: TS3A26746E
1FEATURES PINOUT• Ultra Low RON for GND Switch typical) RON for MIC Switch <10-Ω 3.0Vto 3.6V V+ Operation Control Inputis 1.8-V Logic Compatible 6-bump, 0.5mm pitch CSP Package (1.45mm
0.95mm× 0.5mm) Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100 mA Per
JESD 78, ClassII ESD Performance Tested Per JESD22 DESCRIPTION– 2000-V Human-Body Model (A114-B, The TS3A26746Eisa2×2 cross-point switchis
II) usedto interchange the Ground and MIC
500-V Charged-Device Model ona headphone The Ground has ultra low RON <0.1Ωto minimize drop
• ESD Performance (SLEEVE, RING2) across it, preventing undesired in
– ±8-kV Contact Discharge (IEC 61000-4-2) headphone ground reference voltage. The switch
state is controlled via the SEL input. When
APPLICATIONS SEL=High, GNDis connectedto RING2 and MICis
connected to SLEEVE. When SEL=Low, GNDis
• Cellular phones connected to SLEEVE and MIC connected to
• PDAs RING2. An internal pull-up resistor on the SEL
• Portable Instrumentation input sets the default stateof the switch.
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