TPS78225QDRVRQ1 ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator for Automotive 6-WSON -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTION2• Qualified for Automotive ApplicationsThe TPS782xx family of low-dropout regu ..
TPS78227DDCRG4 ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 5-SOT -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 410.2 Layout Example....... 146.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.3 Thermal Protection... ..
TPS78227DRVR ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 6-WSON -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics....... 511.1 Device Support 156.6 Typical Characteristics. 611.2 Documen ..
TPS78227QDRVRQ1 ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator for Automotive 6-WSON -40 to 125ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = –40°C to 125°C, V = V + 0.5 V or 2.2 V, whichever is greater; I = 100 ..
TPS78228DDCR ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 5-SOT -40 to 125Features... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 128.1 Application Information........ 122 Appl ..
TPS78228DRVR ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 6-WSON -40 to 125Block Diagram... 1011.5 Glossary. 157.3 Feature Description.... 1012 Mechanical, Packaging, and Ord ..
TW8804 ,LCD Flat Panel Controller with Integrated NTSC/PAL/SECAM Decoder and Analog/Digital RGB/FB InputTechwellTECHWELLDISPLAYLLCD CDFFla lattP Panel anelC Con ontr troller ollerFFeeaattur ures esTTW W8 ..
TW8806 ,LCD Display Processors with built-in Video Decoder and T-CONTechwellTECHWELLLLC CD DD DIspla IsplayyP Prro occessors essors DISPLAYT TW8806 W8806T Taarrg get e ..
TW8806 ,LCD Display Processors with built-in Video Decoder and T-CONapplications. An integrated triple analog-to-digitalFFeeaatur tures esconverter supports YPbPr/RGB ..
TW8816 ,Highly Integrated LCD Controller with On-Chip MCU & CCFL ControllerBlock Diagram amCCFL Controller(Analog/Digital Panel)CVBS/ Video DecoderFont OSDRS-VideoAnalogGDAC2 ..
TW8827 ,Ultra low cost, highly integrated LCD controller for analog LCD panelsBlock Diagram amCCFL ControllerFont OSDRVideo Decoder AnalogGDAC Panel2D De-interlacer}BCVBS/S-Vide ..
500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator for Automotive 6-WSON -40 to 125
2mm x 2mm SON-6
TPS78225-Q1, TPS78227-Q1
TPS78228-Q1, TPS78230-Q1
www.ti.com SBVS138–DECEMBER 2009
Checkfor Samples:
1FEATURES Qualified for Automotive Applications• LowIQ:1 μA• 150-mA Low-Dropout Regulator• Low Dropoutat 25°C: 130 mVat• Low Dropoutat 85°C: 175 mVat• 4% Accuracy Over Load/Line/Temperature• Availablein Fixed Voltage Options2.7V, 2.8V, and3V) Using Innovative
EEPROM Programming• Stable witha 1-μF Ceramic Capacitor• Thermal Shutdown and Overcurrent• CMOS Logic Level Compatible Enable Availablein DDC (TSOT23-5)or DRV2-mm SON-6) PackagesAPPLICATIONS TI MSP430 Attach Applications• Power Rails with Programming Mode