TPS78101DDCRG4 ,150mA, LDO Reg, Ultralow-Power, Iq 1uA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Volt 5-SOT -40 to 125This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
TPS78101DRVR ,150mA, LDO Reg, Ultralow-Power, Iq 1uA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Volt 6-WSON -40 to 125ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOver operating temperature range (T = –40°C to +125°C), V = V + 0.5V or 2 ..
TPS781330220DRVR ,150mA, LDO Reg, Ultralow-Power, Iq 1uA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Volt 6-WSON -40 to 125MAXIMUM RATINGSAt T = –40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are with respect to GND ..
TPS78225DDCR ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 5-SOT -40 to 125Features list. 1• Updated title of data sheet...... 1• Changed ground pin current, I = 0mA typical ..
TPS78225DDCT ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 5-SOT -40 to 125features thermal shutdown and current limit to protect• MP3 Playersthe device during fault conditio ..
TPS78225DRVR ,500nA, IQ 150mA, Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 6-WSON -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS782 family of low-dropout regulators (LDOs)1• Low I : 500 nAQoffers th ..
TW2866 ,4-Channel Video Decoder and Audio Codec plus Video Encoder for Security Applicationsapplications. The device includes four high quality NTSC/PAL/SECAM video decoders that convert anal ..
TW2867 ,4-Channel Video Decoder and Audio Codec for Security ApplicationsApplications*Pin to pin compatible with TW2866Video Decoder– Accepts all NTSC(M/4.43) / PAL(B/D/G/H ..
TW8804 ,LCD Flat Panel Controller with Integrated NTSC/PAL/SECAM Decoder and Analog/Digital RGB/FB InputTechwellTECHWELLDISPLAYLLCD CDFFla lattP Panel anelC Con ontr troller ollerFFeeaattur ures esTTW W8 ..
TW8806 ,LCD Display Processors with built-in Video Decoder and T-CONTechwellTECHWELLLLC CD DD DIspla IsplayyP Prro occessors essors DISPLAYT TW8806 W8806T Taarrg get e ..
TW8806 ,LCD Display Processors with built-in Video Decoder and T-CONapplications. An integrated triple analog-to-digitalFFeeaatur tures esconverter supports YPbPr/RGB ..
150mA, LDO Reg, Ultralow-Power, Iq 1uA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Volt 6-WSON -40 to 125
TPS781 Series
www.ti.com........................................................................................................................................................... SBVS102B–MARCH 2008–REVISED MAY 2008
150mA, Low-Dropout Regulator, Ultralow-Power,IQ 1μA
with Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output VoltageThe VSET pin allows the end userto switch between
two voltage levels on-the-fly through a
Low IQ: 1μA microprocessor-compatible input. This LDO is•
150mA, Low-Dropout Regulator with designed specifically for battery-powered applications
Pin-Selectable Dual Voltage Level Output where dual-level voltages are needed. With ultralow (1μA), microprocessors, memory cards, and smoke•
Low Dropout: 200mVat 150mAdetectors are ideal applications for this device.•
3% Accuracy Over Load/Line/TemperatureThe ultralow-power and selectable dual-level output•
Availablein Dual-Level, Fixed Output Voltages voltages allow designers to customize power
from 1.5Vto 4.2V Using Innovative Factory consumption for specific applications. Designers can
EPROM Programming now shifttoa lower voltage levelina battery-powered•
Availablein an Adjustable Version from 1.22V design when the microprocessorisin sleep mode,
to 5.25Vora Dual-Level Output Version further reducing overall system power consumption.
The two voltage levels are preset at the factory•
VSET Pin Toggles Output Voltage Between Twothrougha unique architecture using an EPROM. The
Factory-Programmed Voltage LevelsEPROM technique allows for numerous output•
Stable witha 1.0μF Ceramic Capacitor voltage options between VSET low (1.5Vto 4.2V) and•
Thermal Shutdown and Overcurrent Protection VSET high (2.0Vto 3.0V)in the fixed output version
only. Consult with your local factory representativefor•
CMOS Logic Level-Compatible Enable Pinexact voltage options and ordering information;•
Availablein DDC (TSOT23-5)or DRV (2mm× minimum order quantities may apply.
2mm SON-6) Package OptionsThe TPS781 series are designedto be compatible
with theTI MSP430 and other similar products. The
enable pinis compatible with standard CMOS logic.•
TI MSP430 Attach Applications This LDOis stable with any output capacitor greater•
Power Rails with Programming Mode than 1.0μF. Therefore, implementationsof this device•
Dual Voltage Levels for Power-Saving Mode require minimal board space becauseof miniaturized
Wireless Handsets, Smartphones, PDAs, MP3 packaging anda potentially small output capacitor.
Players, and Other Battery-Operated Handheld The TPS781 seriesIQ (1μA) also come with thermal
Products shutdown and current limit to protect the device
during fault conditions. All packages have an
operating temperature range of TJ= –40°C to
+125°C. For high-performance applications requiringThe TPS781 familyof low-dropout (LDO) regulators a dual-level voltage option, consider the TPS780offer the benefits of ultralow power (IQ= 1μA), series, with an IQof 500nA and dynamic voltageminiaturized packaging (2×2 SON-6), and selectable scaling.dual-level output voltage levels. An adjustable version