TPS780180300DRVR ,150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 6-WSON -40 to 1256 Specifications6.1 Absolute
TPS780230300DRVR ,150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 6-WSON -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 226.2 ESD Ratings........ 410.2 Layout Example....... ..
TPS780270200DDCR ,150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 5-SOT -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS780 family of low-dropout (LDO) regulators1• Low I : 500 nAQoffer the ..
TPS780300250DRVR ,150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 6-WSON -40 to 125Block Diagram... 1511.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution. 247.3 Feature Description.... 1511.5 Gloss ..
TPS780330220DDCR ,150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 5-SOT -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics....... 511 Device and Documentation Support........ 246.6 Typical Charac ..
TPS780330220DRVR ,150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 6-WSON -40 to 125Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV – ..
TW2834 ,4 Channel Video QUAD/MUX ControllerapplicationsuchasPseudo8ChannelorDualpageFourbuilt-inmotiondetectorswith16X12cellsHorizontal/Vertic ..
TW2835-PA1-GE , 4 Channel Video and Audio Controller For Security Applications
TW2866 ,4-Channel Video Decoder and Audio Codec plus Video Encoder for Security Applicationsapplications. The device includes four high quality NTSC/PAL/SECAM video decoders that convert anal ..
TW2867 ,4-Channel Video Decoder and Audio Codec for Security ApplicationsApplications*Pin to pin compatible with TW2866Video Decoder– Accepts all NTSC(M/4.43) / PAL(B/D/G/H ..
TW8804 ,LCD Flat Panel Controller with Integrated NTSC/PAL/SECAM Decoder and Analog/Digital RGB/FB InputTechwellTECHWELLDISPLAYLLCD CDFFla lattP Panel anelC Con ontr troller ollerFFeeaattur ures esTTW W8 ..
150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 5-SOT -40 to 125
4.2V to 5.5V 2.2V to 3.3V
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TPS780xx 150-mA Low-Dropout Regulator, Ultralow-Power,IQ 500 nA With Pin-Selectable,
Dual-Level Output Voltage Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS780 familyof low-dropout (LDO) regulators LowIQ: 500 nA offer the benefits of ultralow power, miniaturized• 150-mA, Low-Dropout Regulator With Pin- packaging, and selectable dual-level output voltageSelectable Dual Voltage Level Output levels with the VSET pin. Low Dropout: 200 mVat 150 mA The ultralow-power and dynamic voltage scaling• 3% Accuracy Over Load, Line, and Temperature (DVS) capability which provides dual-level output Availablein Dual-Level, Fixed-Output Voltages voltageslet designers customize power consumption
for specific applications. Designers can now shifttoaFrom 1.5Vto 4.2V
lower voltage levelina battery-powered design when• Availableinan Adjustable Version from 1.22Vto the microprocessorisin sleep mode, further reducing5.25Vora Dual-Level Output Version overall system power consumption. The two voltage• VSET Pin Toggles Output Voltage Between Two levels are presetat the factory and are stored usingFactory-Programmed Voltage Levels EPROM and are available on fixed output voltage
devices.• Stable witha 1.0-μF Ceramic Capacitor Thermal Shutdown and Overcurrent Protection The TPS780 series of LDOs are designed to be
compatible with the TI MSP430 and other similar• CMOS Logic Level-Compatible Enable Pin products. The enable pinis compatible with standard• Availablein DDC (TSOT23-5)or DRV (2-mm× CMOS logic. The TPS780 series also come with2-mm SON-6) Package Options thermal shutdown and current limit to protect the
device during fault conditions. All packages have an
2 Applications operating temperature rangeofTJ= –40°Cto 125°C.
For more cost-sensitive applications requiringa dual-• TI MSP430™ Attach Applications level voltage option and only on par IQ, consider the• Power Rails With Programming Mode TPS781 series, with anIQof 1.0 μA and dynamic• Dual Voltage Levels for Power-Saving Mode voltage scaling. Wireless Handsets, Smart Phones, PDAs, MP3
Device Information(1)Players, and Other Battery-Operated HandheldProducts
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Simplified Schematic