TPS77901DGKR ,250mA Low Dropout (LDO) Regulator and SVS in MSOP8 Package, Enable Highfeaturesa sleep mode; applying a TTL low signal to EN (enable) shuts down the regulator, reducing t ..
TPS77901DGKR ,250mA Low Dropout (LDO) Regulator and SVS in MSOP8 Package, Enable HighTPS77901, TPS77918, TPS77925, TPS77930250-mA LDO REGULATOR WITH INTEGRATED RESET IN A MSOP8 PACKAGE ..
TPS77918DGK ,250mA Low Dropout (LDO) Regulator and SVS in MSOP8 package, Enable Highfeatures an integrated power-on reset, commonly used as a supply voltage supervisor (SVS),or reset ..
TPS77925DGK ,Fast-Transient-Response 250-mA LDO Voltage Regulator with Resetfeatures an integrated power-on reset, commonly used as a supply voltage supervisor (SVS),or reset ..
TPS77930DGK ,Fast--Transient-Response 250-mA LDO Voltage Regulator with Resetblock diagram—adjustable versionINENRESET_+OUT+220 ms Delay R1_V = 1.1834 VrefFB/SENSER2GNDExternal ..
TPS78001DDCR ,150mA, LDO Regulator, Ultra-Low Power, Iq 500nA w/ Pin-Selectable, Dual-Level Output Voltage 5-SOT -40 to 125Features... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 188.1 Application Information........ 182 Appl ..
TW2815 , 4 Channel Video Decoders and Audio Codecs For Security Applications Pin to pin compatible
TW2816-TA1-GR , Secyrity Surveillance IC Solutions
TW2834 ,4 Channel Video QUAD/MUX ControllerApplicationsThe TW2834 has four high quality NTSC/PAL video decoders, dualAnalogQuad\MuxSecuritySys ..
TW2834 ,4 Channel Video QUAD/MUX ControllerapplicationsuchasPseudo8ChannelorDualpageFourbuilt-inmotiondetectorswith16X12cellsHorizontal/Vertic ..
TW2835-PA1-GE , 4 Channel Video and Audio Controller For Security Applications
TW2866 ,4-Channel Video Decoder and Audio Codec plus Video Encoder for Security Applicationsapplications. The device includes four high quality NTSC/PAL/SECAM video decoders that convert anal ..
250-mA, LDO Regulator with Integrated Reset 8-VSSOP -40 to 125
Dropout Voltage Typically 200 mV at 250 mA (TPS77930) Ultralow 92-μA Quiescent Current (Typ) 8-Pin MSOP (DGK) Package Low Noise (55 μVrms) With No Bypass
Capacitor (TPS77918) 2% Tolerance Over Specified Conditions
For Fixed-Output Versions Fast Transient Response Thermal Shutdown Protection See the TPS773xx and TPS774xx Family of
Devices for Active Low Enable
descriptionThe TPS779xx is a low-dropout regulator with
integrated power-on reset. The device is capable
of supplying 250 mA of output current with a
dropout of 200 mV (TPS77930). Quiescent
current is 92 μA at full load dropping down to 1 μA
when the device is disabled. The device is
optimized to be stable with a wide range of output
capacitors including low ESR ceramic (10 μF) or
low capacitance (1 μF) tantalum capacitors. The
device has extremely low noise output performance (55 μVrms ) without using any added filter capacitors.
TPS779xx is designed to have a fast transient response for larger load current changes.
The TPS779xx is offered in 1.8-V, 2.5-V, and 3-V fixed-voltage versions and in an adjustable version
(programmable over the range of 1.5 V to 5.5 V). Output voltage tolerance is 2% over line, load, and temperature
ranges. The TPS779xx family is available in 8-pin MSOP (DGK) packages.
Because the PMOS device behaves as a low-value resistor, the dropout voltage is very low (typically 200 mV
at an output current of 250 mA for 3.3 volt option) and is directly proportional to the output current. Additionally,
since the PMOS pass element is a voltage-driven device, the quiescent current is very low and independent
of output loading (typically 92 μA over the full range of output current, 0 mA to 250 mA). These two key
specifications yield a significant improvement in operating life for battery-powered systems.
The device is enabled when the EN pin is connected to a high-level input voltage. This LDO family also features
a sleep mode; applying a TTL low signal to EN (enable) shuts down the regulator, reducing the quiescent current
to less than 1 μA at TJ = 25°C.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
–50 –30 –10 10 30 50 70
400 110 130
TJ – Junction Temperature – °C
– Dropout V
oltage – mV