TPS77618DRG4 ,Fast Transient Response, 500mA, Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators with Power Good 8-SOIC -40 to 125features a sleepmode; applying a TTL high signal to EN (enable)(PWP) Packagesshuts down the regulat ..
TPS77618PWPG4 ,Fast Transient Response, 500mA, Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators with Power Good 20-HTSSOP -40 to 125features a sleepmode; applying a TTL high signal to EN (enable)(PWP) Packagesshuts down the regulat ..
TPS77625D ,Fast-Transient-Response 500-mA LDO Voltage RegulatorThis integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
TPS77625DG4 ,Fast Transient Response, 500mA, Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators with Power Good 8-SOIC -40 to 125ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOver recommended operating temperature range (T = –40°C to +125°C), V = V ..
TPS77625DR ,Fast-Transient-Response 500-mA LDO Voltage RegulatorMAXIMUM RATINGS(1)Over operating temperature range (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TPS775xx, TPS7 ..
TPS77625DRG4 ,Fast Transient Response, 500mA, Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators with Power Good 8-SOIC -40 to 125features a sleepmode; applying a TTL high signal to EN (enable)(PWP) Packagesshuts down the regulat ..
TW1145LS , Right Angle Type White LED
TW2804 , TW2802/4 Multiple Video Decoder For Security Applications
TW2815 , 4 Channel Video Decoders and Audio Codecs For Security Applications Pin to pin compatible
TW2816-TA1-GR , Secyrity Surveillance IC Solutions
TW2834 ,4 Channel Video QUAD/MUX ControllerApplicationsThe TW2834 has four high quality NTSC/PAL video decoders, dualAnalogQuad\MuxSecuritySys ..
TW2834 ,4 Channel Video QUAD/MUX ControllerapplicationsuchasPseudo8ChannelorDualpageFourbuilt-inmotiondetectorswith16X12cellsHorizontal/Vertic ..
Fast-Transient-Response 500-mA LDO Voltage Regulator
TPS775xx, TPS776xx
www.ti.com.............................................................................................................................................. SLVS232J–SEPTEMBER 1999–REVISED MARCH 2009
TPS775xx with RESET Output, TPS776xx with PG Output
23• Open Drain Power-On Reset with 200ms Delay The TPS775xx and TPS776xx devices are designed
(TPS775xx) to havea fast transient response andbe stable witha
10μF low ESR capacitor. This combination provides•
Open Drain Power Good (TPS776xx)high performanceata reasonable cost.•
500mA Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorBecause the•
Availablein Fixed Output and Adjustable resistor, the
Versions 169mV at•
Dropout Voltageto 169mV (Typ)at 500mA TPS77x33)
(TPS77x33) current. Additionally, voltage-driven•
Ultralow 85μA Typical Quiescent Currentlow and independent••••••
The TPS775xx