TPS767D325PWP ,Dual-Output Low-Dropout (LDO) Voltage Regulators
TPS76801MPWPREP ,Enhanced Product Fast-Transient-Response 1-A Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators 20-HTSSOP -55 to 125features a sleep mode; applying a TTL highsignal to EN (enable) shuts down the regulator, reducing ..
TPS76801QD ,Micropower Low-Dropout (LDO) Voltage RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating free-air temperature range, V = V + 1 V, I = 1 ..
TPS76801QDR ,Micropower Low-Dropout (LDO) Voltage RegulatorMaximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
TPS76801QDRG4 ,FAST-TRANSIENT-RESPONSE 1-A LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSMaximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
TPS76801QPWP ,Micropower Low-Dropout (LDO) Voltage Regulatorfeatures a shutdownmode; applying a TTL high signal to EN (enable)• SOIC-8 (D) and TSSOP-20 (PWP) P ..
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TVP3025 ,Video Interface Palette
TVP3025-135PCE ,Video Interface Palette
TVP3026-175PCE ,Video Interface Palette
TVP3026-220PCE ,Video Interface Palette
Dual-Output Low-Dropout (LDO) Voltage Regulators