TPS74401KTWR ,Single Output LDO, 3.0A, Adj.(0.8 to 3.3V), Fast Transient Response, Programmable Soft Start 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Features... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 188.1 Application Information........ 182 Appl ..
TPS74401KTWRG3 ,Single Output LDO, 3.0A, Adj.(0.8 to 3.3V), Fast Transient Response, Programmable Soft Start 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Features list 1• Added ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Ap ..
TPS74401KTWT ,Single Output LDO, 3.0A, Adj.(0.8 to 3.3V), Fast Transient Response, Programmable Soft Start 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Features bullet ........ 1• Changed second paragraph of Description section: added RGR package and ..
TPS74401KTWTG3 ,Single Output LDO, 3.0A, Adj.(0.8 to 3.3V), Fast Transient Response, Programmable Soft Start 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics....... 711.2 Documentation Support ... 296.6 Timing Requirements... 811. ..
TPS74401RGWR ,Single Output LDO, 3.0A, Adj.(0.8 to 3.3V), Fast Transient Response, Programmable Soft Start 20-VQFN -40 to 125Block Diagram section... 14• Changed first paragraph of Application Information section: deleted an ..
TPS74401RGWRG4 ,Single Output LDO, 3.0A, Adj.(0.8 to 3.3V), Fast Transient Response, Programmable Soft Start 20-VQFN -40 to 125 SBVS066R–DECEMBER 2005–REVISED APRIL 2017Revision History (continued)V = V in last paragraph of De ..
TUSB1105RGTR ,Advanced Universal Serial Bus Transcievers 16-QFN -40 to 85BLOCK DIAGRAM3.3 V VoltageVVCC(5.0)CC(I/O)RegulatorVreg(3.3)Vpu(3.3)SOFTCON(A)1.5 kΩOE33 (1%)D+SP ..
TUSB1105RTZR ,Advanced Universal Serial Bus Transcievers 16-WQFN -40 to 85FEATURES • Support I/O Voltage Range From 1.65 V to3.6 V• Compatible With Universal Serial BusSpeci ..
TUSB1106PWR ,Advanced Universal Serial Bus Transcievers 16-TSSOP -40 to 85TUSB1105 PACKAGESRGT PACKAGE RTZ PACKAGE(BOTTOM VIEW) (BOTTOM VIEW)5 6 7 8-SUSPND 5 6 7 8 9 D9 -VM ..
TUSB1106RGTR ,Advanced Universal Serial Bus Transcievers 16-QFN -40 to 85.1Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in c ..
TUSB1106RGTR ,Advanced Universal Serial Bus Transcievers 16-QFN -40 to 85BLOCK DIAGRAM3.3 V VoltageVVCC(5.0)CC(I/O)RegulatorVreg(3.3)Vpu(3.3)SOFTCON(A)1.5 kΩOE33 (1%)D+SP ..
Single Output LDO, 3.0A, Adj.(0.8 to 3.3V), Fast Transient Response, Programmable Soft Start 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125
= 0SS m = 0.001SS PGVOUT
RPULLUP Input Voltage Range: 1.1Vto 5.5V Soft-Start (SS) Pin Providesa Linear Startup With
Ramp Time Setby External Capacitor 1% Accuracy Over Line, Load, and Temperature Supports Input Voltagesas Lowas 0.9
External Bias Supply Adjustable Output: 0.8Vto 3.6V Ultra-Low Dropout: 115 mVat 3.0A Stable With Anyor No Output Capacitor Excellent Transient Response Open-Drain Power-Good (VQFN Only) Packages: 5-mm× 5-mm× 1-mm VQFN (RGW),
3.5-mm× 3.5-mm VQFN (RGR), and DDPAK
Applications FPGA Applications DSP Core and I/O Voltages Post-Regulation Applications Applications With Special Start-Up Timeor
Sequencing Requirements Hot-Swap and Inrush Controls
The TPS74401 low-dropout
provide an easy-to-use
solution fora wide variety soft-start by reducing The soft-start powering and application-specific enable sequencing flexibility lets the sequencing gate
processors (DSPs),
specific start-up requirements. precision reference
accuracy over load,
The TPS74401 family
output capacitor or
The device familyis fully
125°C. The TPS74401
VQFN packages (a
3.5-mm× 3.5-mm RGR
compact total solution
require additional power
(KTW) packageis also
Device(1) Forall available packages,
the endofthe datasheet.
Circuit Turn-On