TPS728185315YZUT ,Single Output LDO, 200mA, Dual Level Fixed with Vset Pin 5-DSBGA -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTION2• Very Low Dropout: 230mV Typical at 200mAThe TPS728xx series of low-dropout l ..
TPS73001DBVR ,Low-Noise, High PSRR, RF 200-mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulatorfeatures high power-supplyWith Enablerejection ratio (PSRR), low noise, fast start-up, and• Availab ..
TPS73001DBVRG4 ,LOW-NOISE, HIGH PSRR, RF 200-mA LOW-DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORSMaximum Ratings condition statement . 4• Deleted Dissipation Ratings table; added Thermal Informati ..
TPS73001DBVT ,Low-Noise, High PSRR, RF 200-mA Low-Dropout Linear RegulatorMaximum Ratings.. 410.3 Thermal Considerations.... 166.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.4 Power Dissipation ..
TPS73001DBVTG4 ,LOW-NOISE, HIGH PSRR, RF 200-mA LOW-DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORSfeatures high power-supplyWith Enablerejection ratio (PSRR), low noise, fast start-up, and• Availab ..
TPS73018DBVR ,Low-Noise, High PSRR, RF 200-mA Low-Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagrams... 912 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable7.3 Feature Description.... 10Information ..
TTC-2002 , Ultra Wideband Audio Transformers
TTC-2003 , Ultra Wideband Audio Transformers
TTC5200 ,Power transistor for high-speed switching applicationsElectrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ MaxUnitCollec ..
TTDLF4000L , SMT Data Line EMI Filters – TTDLF
TTDLF-4000L , SMT Data Line EMI Filters
TTRN012G5 , TTRN012G5 (2.5 Gbits/s) and TTRN012G7 (2.5 Gbits/s and 2.7 Gbits/s) Clock Synthesizer, 16:1 Data Multiplexer
Single Output LDO, 200mA, Dual Level Fixed with Vset Pin 5-DSBGA -40 to 125
TPS728xx Series
2mm x 2mm SON-6
TPS728xx Series
TPS728xx SeriesSBVS095–AUGUST 2007
200mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulator
with Pin-Selectable Dual-Voltage Level Output Very Low Dropout: 230mV Typicalat 200mA The TPS728xx seriesof low-dropout linear regulators
(LDOs), witha selectable dual-voltage level output,is•
3% Accuracy Over Load/Line/Temperaturedesigned specially for applications that require two•
LowIQ: 50μAin Active Mode levels of output voltage regulation. Programming•
Availablein Fixed-Output Voltages From 0.9V fuses and memory cards, reducing leakage effects,
to 3.6V Using Innovative Factory EEPROM and conserving powerin nanometric processes are
Programming some application examples.
VSET Pin Toggles Output Voltage Between The VSET pinis usedto select oneof two output
Two Preset Levels voltage levels preset through innovative factory
EEPROM programming.A precision bandgap and
– Preset Output Voltage Levels Can Beerror amplifier provides an overall 3% accuracy over
EEPROM-Programmed To Any Combinationload, line, and temperature extremes.•
High PSRR: 65dBat 1kHzUltra-small wafer chip scale (WCSP) and 2mmx•
Stable witha 1.0μF Ceramic Capacitor 2mm SON packages make the TPS728xx series ideal•
Thermal Shutdown and Over-Current for handheld applications.
ProtectionThis family of devices is fully specified overa•
Availablein Wafer-Level Chip Scale and temperature rangeofTJ= –40°Cto +125°C.
2mmx 2mm SON Packages Power Rails with Programming Mode Dual Voltage Levels for Power-Saving Mode Leakage Reduction for 90nm and 65nm
Processors Wireless Handsets, Smart Phones, PDAs MP3 Players and Other Handheld Products(1)Itis recommended that the SON package
thermal padbe connectedto ground.