TPS65250RHAR ,4.5V to 18V, 3A/2A/2A output, synchronous triple buck converter 40-VQFN -40 to 125BLOCK DIAGRAM+ VPULL12VVINDGGASPBiasingCV3P3LDODGV3VCLDODGCV7 Pump & dumpSTRGV7VRBSTDG Storage capB ..
TPS65251 ,PMU with 3 DC/DC Converters, up to 18Vinfeatures a light load pulse skipping mode (PSM) by allowing the LOW_P pin tied to V3V. ThePSM mode ..
TPS652510RHAR ,4.5-V to 16-V input, 3A/2A/2A output, Synchronous triple buck converter 40-VQFN -40 to 85features enable pin that allows a delayed start-up for sequencing purposes, soft start pin thatallo ..
TPS65251RHAR ,4.5-V TO 18-V input, 3A/2A/2A output, synchronous triple buck converter 40-VQFN -40 to 125features enable pin that• Dedicated Enable for Each Buckallows a delayed start-up for sequencing pu ..
TPS65252RHDR ,4.5V to 16V input, 3A/2A output dual buck converter with an USB switch 28-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS• Wide Input Supply Voltage Range • DTV(4.5 V - 16 V)• DSL Modems• Output Rang ..
TPS65258RHAR ,3 DC-DC converters with Integrated FET & 2 USB Switches 40-VQFN -40 to 85features enable pin that allows a delayed start-up for sequencing purposes, soft start pin thatallo ..
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PMU with 3 DC/DC Converters and Charge & Pump, up to 18Vin
www.ti.com SLVSAA3C –JUNE 2010–REVISED OCTOBER 2012
Checkfor Samples: TPS65250
1FEATURES Wide Input Supply Voltage Range • Soft Start Pins
(4.5V-18V) • Current-Mode Control With Simple 0.8V, 1% Accuracy Reference Compensation Circuit Continuous Loading:3A (Buck 1), • Power Good and Reset GeneratorA (Buck2 and3) • Storage and Release Circuit Optimized for Maximum Current: 3.5A (Buck 1), Reductionof Storage Capacitancein Dying
2.5A (Buck2 and3) Gasp Mode (Option) Adjustable Switching Frequency • Low Power Mode Set By External Signal
300 kHz- 2.2 MHz Set By External Resistor • QFN Package, 40-Pin6 mmx6 mm RHA External Synchronization Pin for Oscillator
APPLICATIONS• External Enable/Sequencing and Soft Start
Pins • xDSL/xPON Modems Adjustable Current Limit Set By External • Cable Modems
Resistor • Power Line Modem Home Gateway and Access Point Networks Wireless Routers Set Top Box
DESCRIPTION/ORDERING INFORMATIONThe TPS65250 features three synchronous wide input range high efficiency buck converters. The converters are
designedto simplifyits application while giving the designer the optionto optimize their usage accordingto the
target application.
The converters can operatein 5-, 9-, 12- and 15-V systems and have integrated power transistors. The output usinga resistor dividerto any value between 0.8V and the input supply minus1V. enable pin that allowsa delayed start-up for sequencing purposes, soft start pin that choosing the soft-start capacitor, anda current limit (RLIMx) pin that enables selecting an external resistor and optimize the choiceof inductor. The COMP versusdc accuracy response witha simple RC compensation. either be set connectedto ROSC pinorto SYNC pinif needed. The switching regulators are 2.2 MHz. Both Bucks2 and Buck run outof phase with and release circuitry for dying gasp mode. The storage capacitoris normal operation. The storage and release will charge reduce the current from the adaptortoa storageofas possible taking advantageof the½ CV²