TPS65231A2DCAR ,Power Management IC (PMIC) for Digital Set-Top Boxes 48-HTSSOP 0 to 85FEATURES • Supply Voltage Supervisor Circuit with TwoMonitor Inputs and Open Drain Output• Wide Inp ..
TPS65233RTER ,LNB Voltage Regulator with I2C Interface Power Management IC (PMIC) 16-WQFN -40 to 85FEATURES2• Complete Integration Solution for LNB and I C • Compliant with main satellite receiver s ..
TPS65250RHAR ,4.5V to 18V, 3A/2A/2A output, synchronous triple buck converter 40-VQFN -40 to 125BLOCK DIAGRAM+ VPULL12VVINDGGASPBiasingCV3P3LDODGV3VCLDODGCV7 Pump & dumpSTRGV7VRBSTDG Storage capB ..
TPS65251 ,PMU with 3 DC/DC Converters, up to 18Vinfeatures a light load pulse skipping mode (PSM) by allowing the LOW_P pin tied to V3V. ThePSM mode ..
TPS652510RHAR ,4.5-V to 16-V input, 3A/2A/2A output, Synchronous triple buck converter 40-VQFN -40 to 85features enable pin that allows a delayed start-up for sequencing purposes, soft start pin thatallo ..
TPS65251RHAR ,4.5-V TO 18-V input, 3A/2A/2A output, synchronous triple buck converter 40-VQFN -40 to 125features enable pin that• Dedicated Enable for Each Buckallows a delayed start-up for sequencing pu ..
TSUS5202 ,Infrared emitting diodesElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambParameter Test condition Symbol M ..
TSUS5402 ,Infrared emitting diodesElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambParameter Test condition Symbol M ..
TSV321RILT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampFeatures Pin connections (top view)• Operating range V = 2.5 V to 6 V CC• Rail-to-rail input and o ..
TSV324IDT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampAbsolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter Value Unit (1)V Supply voltage 7 V CC(2)V Differential i ..
TSV324IYDT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampapplications • Audio driver (headphone driver) • Sensor signal conditioning SO8, MiniSO8, TSSOP8 ..
TSV324IYPT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp TSV321, TSV358, TSV324, TSV321A, TSV358A, TSV324A, General purpose input/output rail-to-rail lo ..
Power Management IC (PMIC) for Digital Set-Top Boxes 48-HTSSOP 0 to 85
TPS65230, TPS65231
www.ti.com.................................................................................................................................... SLVSA10A–SEPTEMBER 2009–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2009
POWER MANAGEMENT IC FOR DIGITAL SET TOP BOXES Supply Voltage Supervisor Circuit with Two
Monitor Inputs and Open Drain Output•
Wide Input Supply Voltage Range
(10.8V-22V) •
Parallel I/OorI2C Control with User Selectable
One Adjustable PWM Buck Controller Advanced Fault Detection and Output Voltage– 10.8-V- 22-V Input Voltage Range Adjustment OptionsinI2C Mode– 3.3-V- 6.1-V Output Voltage Range •
Pull-Up Current Sources on Buck Enable Pins– 500kHz switching frequency for Accurate Start-Up Timing Control with– TypeIII Compensation Preset Default– Programmable Current Limit •
Over Current Protection on All Rails•
Two Adjustable Step-Down Converter with •
Thermal Shutdownto Protect Device DuringIntegrated Switching FETs: Excessive Power Dissipation 4.75-V- 5.5-V Input •
Thermally Enhanced Package for Efficient– 0.9-V-3.3-V Output Voltage Range Heat Management (48-pin HTSSOP) 3-A Output Current 1-MHz Switching Frequency Digital Set Top Boxes– Voltage Scaling Option •
xDSL& Cable Modems– TypeIII Compensation •
DVD Players•
Two 100-mΩ, 0.5-A (TPS65230) 1-A (TPS65231) •
Home Gateway and Access Point NetworksUSB Switches with Over Current Protection •
Wireless Routersand Open-Drain Fault Pin Early Supply Failure Flag (Open Drain Output) Set when Input Voltage Drops Below 9.3V Early Temperature Warning Flag (Open Drain
Output)is Setif Temperature Approaches
Shut-Down ThresholdThe TPS652x provides one PWM buck controller, two adjustable, synchronous buck regulators, two independent
USB power switches anda supply voltage supervisor (SVS)to provide main power functions for satellite set top
boxes, xDSL and cable modem applications operatingoffa single 12-to 22-V supply.
The SMPS have integrated switching FETs for optimized power efficiency and reduced external component
count. Each USB switch provides up to 0.5-A (TPS65230) or 1-A (TPS65231) of current as required by
downstream USB devices.All power blocks have thermal and over current/short circuit protection.
The SVS provides two inputs for monitoring positive supply rails. The active-low open-drain output remains low
forat least 180 ms afterall supply rails rise above their rising edge threshold. Threshold value for VMON1 input set for monitoringa 3.3-V rail without the need for additional external components. Threshold for VMON2 input setto 0.8V and requires resistor dividers on the inputto monitor any positive voltagein the system. The
nBOR/nHOT open-drain outputis pulled lowif the input supply drops below 9.3Vor the chip temperature
approaches the thermal shutdown limit. This allows the system processorto save critical data and shut down
gracefully before the supply fails.
Not Recommended for New Designs