TPS65181BRGZR ,PMIC for E Ink Vizplex Enabled Electronic Paper Display 48-VQFN -10 to 85Features 2 Applications1• Single-Chip Power Management Solution for • Power Supply for Active Matri ..
TPS65181RGZR ,PMIC for E Ink Vizplex Enabled Electronic Paper Display 48-VQFN -10 to 85 SLVSA76G–MARCH 2010–REVISED JANUARY 20165 Description (continued)Accurate back-plane biasing is pr ..
TPS65182RGZR ,PMIC for E Ink Vizplex Enabled Electronic Paper Display 48-VQFN -10 to 85Features • Sleep Mode Support• Thermally Enhanced Package for Efficient Heat1• Single Chip Power Ma ..
TPS65190RHDR ,10-Channel Level Shifter for LCD Displays w/ VCOM Op-Amp 28-VQFN -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV = V = 30 V; V = –6.2 V; V = 15 V; T = –40 °C to 85 °C; typical values a ..
TPS65191RHBR ,7-Channel Level Shifter for LCD Displays (Triple Channel Scan Driver) 32-VQFN -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSVOFF = –10 V, VON = 30 V, EN = 3.3 V, T = –40°C to 85°C, typical values a ..
TPS65192 ,9-Channel Level Shifter for LCD Displays聽with GPMELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV = V = 30V; V = –7 V; T = –40°C to 85°C; typical values are at 25°C (unl ..
TSUS5202 ,Infrared emitting diodesElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambParameter Test condition Symbol M ..
TSUS5402 ,Infrared emitting diodesElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambParameter Test condition Symbol M ..
TSV321RILT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampFeatures Pin connections (top view)• Operating range V = 2.5 V to 6 V CC• Rail-to-rail input and o ..
TSV324IDT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampAbsolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter Value Unit (1)V Supply voltage 7 V CC(2)V Differential i ..
TSV324IYDT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampapplications • Audio driver (headphone driver) • Sensor signal conditioning SO8, MiniSO8, TSSOP8 ..
TSV324IYPT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp TSV321, TSV358, TSV324, TSV321A, TSV358A, TSV324A, General purpose input/output rail-to-rail lo ..
PMIC for E Ink Vizplex Enabled Electronic Paper Display
I/O Control
From Input
(3 V to 6 V)
From Input
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
TPS65180, TPS65181, TPS65180B, TPS65181BSLVSA76G –MARCH 2010–REVISED JANUARY 2016
TPS6518xx PMIC forE Ink® Vizplex™-Enabled Electronic Paper Display Features 2 Applications Single-Chip Power Management Solution for • Power Supply for Active MatrixE Ink Vizplex Ink® Vizplex™ Electronic Paper Displays Panels Generates Positive and Negative Gate and • EPD Power Supply
Source Driver Voltages and Back-Plane Bias from • E-Book Readers Single, Low-Voltage Input Supply • EPSON® S1D13522 (ISIS) Timing Controller• 3-Vto 6-V Input Voltage Range • EPSON S1D13521 (Broadsheet) Timing Boost Converter for Positive Rail Base Controller Inverting Buck-Boost Converterfor Negative Rail • Application Processors With Integratedor
Base Software Timing Controller (OMAP™) Two Adjustable LDOsfor Source Driver Supply
Description– LDO1:15V, 120 mA (VPOS)
The TPS6518x and TPS65181xB familyof devices– LDO2: –15V, 120 mA (VNEG) are single-chip power supplies designedto forE Ink• Accurate Output Voltage Tracking Vizplex displays used in portable e-reader VPOS- VNEG= ±50 mV applications and support panel sizesupto 9.7 inches.
Two high-efficiency DC–DC boost converters• Two Charge Pumps for Gate Driver Supply generate ±17-V rails which are boostedto 22V and– CP1:22V,10 mA (VDDH) –20V by two change pumpsto provide the gate– CP2: –20V,12 mA, (VEE) driver supply for the Vizplex panel. Two tracking
LDOs create the ±15-V source driver supplies which• Adjustable VCOM Driverfor Accurate Panel- support upto 120-mAof output current. All rails areBackplane Biasing adjustable through theI2C interfaceto accommodate– –0.3Vto –2.5V specific panel requirements.– ±1.5% Accuracy (±18 mV)
Device Information(1)– 8-Bit Control (11-mV Nominal Step Size)– 15-mA Maximum Integrated Switch• Integrated 3.3-V Power Switch for DisablingSystem Power Rail• Thermistor Monitoring– –10°Cto +85°C Temperature Range
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat– ±1°C Accuracy from 0°Cto 50°C the endofthe data sheet.•I2C Serial Interface (2) Not recommendedfor new design (NRND). Slave Address 0x48h (1001000)
Typical Application Schematic• Flexible Power-Up Sequencing Interrupt and Sleep Mode Support Packagefor Efficient Heat7 mm× 0.9 mm VQFN)