TPS65135RTER ,Split-Rail Converter, Single-Inductor, Multiple-Output (SIMO) Regulator 16-WQFN -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS65135 device is a high-efficiency split-rail1• Single-Inductor, Multip ..
TPS65137ADSCR ,Dual Positive and Negative Outputs w/ Digital Vneg Adjustment 10-WSON -40 to 85 SLVS929A –MAY 2010–REVISED OCTOBER 2012THERMAL INFORMATIONTPS65137(1)THERMAL METRIC DSC UNITS10(2) ..
TPS65138DRCR ,Dual Output AMOLED Display Power Supply 10-VSON -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS• 2.9V to 4.5V Input Voltage Range • Active Matrix OLED• 0.8% Output Voltage A ..
TPS65140PWPR ,Q1Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6514x series offers a compact and small1• 2.7-V to 5.8-V Input Voltage ..
TPS65140RGER ,Q1 SLVS497F–SEPTEMBER 2003–REVISED JUNE 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPWP PackageRGE Package24 ..
TPS65141RGER ,4-CH LCD Bias w/ Fully Int. Pos. Charge Pump, 3.3V LDO Controller & 1.6A Min. Boost Ilim 24-VQFN -40 to 85 SLVS497F–SEPTEMBER 2003–REVISED JUNE 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPWP PackageRGE Package24 ..
TSUS5202 ,Infrared emitting diodesElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambParameter Test condition Symbol M ..
TSUS5402 ,Infrared emitting diodesElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambParameter Test condition Symbol M ..
TSV321RILT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampFeatures Pin connections (top view)• Operating range V = 2.5 V to 6 V CC• Rail-to-rail input and o ..
TSV324IDT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampAbsolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter Value Unit (1)V Supply voltage 7 V CC(2)V Differential i ..
TSV324IYDT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-ampapplications • Audio driver (headphone driver) • Sensor signal conditioning SO8, MiniSO8, TSSOP8 ..
TSV324IYPT ,General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp TSV321, TSV358, TSV324, TSV321A, TSV358A, TSV324A, General purpose input/output rail-to-rail lo ..
L215, 16 13, 14TPS65135
2.2 μH
OUTP 9, 10 2, 3FB
365 k
120 k
487 k
4.7 μF
4.7 μF
10 μF8 VIN
11, 12
2.5 V to 5.5 V
5 V, 80 mA
100 nF
Tools &
Support &
TPS65135 Single-Inductor, Multiple-Output Regulator Features Single-Inductor, Multiple-Output Topology 2.5-Vto 5.5-V Input Voltage Range 750-mW Output PoweratVI= 2.9V Positive Output Voltages Upto6V Negative Output Voltage Downto–7V 1% Output Voltage Accuracy Upto 50% Output Current Mismatch Allowed Excellent Line Regulation Advanced Power-Save Mode for Light-Load
Efficiency Low-Noise Operation Out-of-Audio Mode Short-Circuit Protection Thermal Shutdown 3-mm× 3-mm Thin QFN Package
Applications AMOLED Display Power Supplies LCD Power Supplies Split-Rail Power Supplies for Op-Amps, Data
Converters, Data Interfaces, etc.
DescriptionThe TPS65135 deviceisa high-efficiency split-rail
power supply. Thankstoits single-inductor, multiple-
output (SIMO) topology, the converter uses very few
external components. The device operates witha
buck-boost topology and generates positive and
negative output voltages above or below the input
supply voltage. The SIMO topology achieves
excellent line and load regulation, whichis necessary,
for example,to avoid disturbanceofa mobile phone
display asa resultof input voltage variations that
occur during transmit periods in mobile
communication systems. The device can also be
usedasa general-purpose split-rail supplyas longas
the output current mismatch between the railsis less
than 50%.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application Schematic