TPS62007DGSR G4 ,Q1Block Diagram..... 913 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable8.3 Feature Description...... 9Informati ..
TPS62007DGSRG4 ,Q1Features... 19 Application and Implementation...... 122 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
TPS62008 ,1.9-V Output, 600-mA, 95% Efficient Step-Down Converter in MSOP-10Block Diagram..... 913 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable8.3 Feature Description...... 9Informati ..
TPS62008DGS ,1.9-V Output, 600-mA, 95% Efficient Step-Down Converter in MSOP-10Features... 19 Application and Implementation...... 122 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
TPS62008DGSR ,1.9-V Output, 600-mA, 95% Efficient Step-Down Converter in MSOP-10 SLVS294F–SEPTEMBER 2000–REVISED AUGUST 20155 Device Comparison Table(1)PACKAGE MARKINGVOLTAGE OPTI ..
TPS62008DGSRG4 ,1.9-V Output, 600-mA, 95% Efficient Step-Down Converter in MSOP-10Features 2 Applications1• High-Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down • Low-Power CPUs and DSPsConverter ..
TSOP1156CB1 ,Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control Systems Document Number 821482 (8)Rev. 3, 29-Mar-01TSOP11..CB1Vishay TelefunkenSuitable Data FormatThe cir ..
TSOP1236 ,Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control SystemsAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25
Synchronous Buck Converter With Fixed 3.3-V Output
VIN1 2mH
= 0.8 V
to VI
= 2 V
to 5.5 VmF
0.1 1 10 100 1000
IO− Load Current−mA
VI= 3.6 V,
VO= 2.5 V
SYNC = High
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
TPS62000, TPS62001, TPS62002, TPS62003
TPS62004, TPS62005, TPS62006, TPS62007, TPS62008SLVS294F –SEPTEMBER 2000–REVISED AUGUST 2015
TPS6200x High-Efficiency Step-Down Low Power DC-DC Converter Features 2 Applications High-Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down • Low-Power CPUs and DSPs
Converter with More than 95% Efficiency • Cellular Phones 2-Vto 5.5-V Operating Input Voltage Range • Organizers, PDAs, and Handheld PCs Adjustable Output Voltage Range From 0.8Vto • MP-3 Portable Audio PlayersVIN • Digital Cameras Fixed Output Voltage Options Availablein 0.9V, • USB-Based DSL Modems and Other Network1V, 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 1.9V, 2.5V, and 3.3V Interface Cards Synchronizableto External Clock Signalupto MHz
3 Description Upto 600 mA Output Current The TPS6200x devices area family of low-noise
synchronous step-down DC/DC converters that are• Pin-Programmable Current Limit ideally suitedfor systems powered froma 1-cell Li-ion• High Efficiency Overa Wide Load Current Range batteryor froma2-to 3-cell NiCd, NiMH,or alkalinein Power Save Mode battery. The TPS6200x operates typically downto an 100% Maximum Duty Cycle for Lowest Dropout input voltageof 1.8V, witha specified minimum input
voltageof2V.• Low-Noise Operation Antiringing Switch and
PFM/PWM Operation Mode The TPS62000 operates overa free-air temperature Internal Softstart rangeof –40°Cto 85°C.The deviceis availablein the
10-pin (DGS) microsmall outline package (VSSOP).• 50-μA Quiescent Current (TYP) Availablein the 10-Pin Microsmall Outline
Package (VSSOP)• Evaluation Module Available
the endofthe datasheet.
Typical Application Schematic Efficiencyvs