TPS61166DSKT ,White LED Driver w/ Integrated Power Diode and Fast Burst Dimming Mode 10-SON -40 to 85FEATURESDESCRIPTION• IC Supply Range: 2.5-V to 6-V• Power Stage Input Range: 4.5-V to 10-VThe TPS61 ..
TPS61170DRVR ,1.2A Switch, High Voltage Boost Converter in 2x2mm QFN Package 6-WSON -40 to 85features, such as pulse-by-pulse overcurrent limit,• 6-Pin, 2-mm × 2-mm QFN Packagesoft start, and ..
TPS61175PWP ,3-A High Voltage Boost Converter with Soft-start and Programmable Switching Frequency 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85 SLVS892D–DECEMBER 2008–REVISED APRIL 20166 Pin Configuration and FunctionsTSSOP14 PinsTop View1 14 ..
TPS61175PWPR ,3-A High Voltage Boost Converter with Soft-start and Programmable Switching Frequency 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS61175 device is a monolithic switching1• 2.9-V to 18-V Input Voltage R ..
TPS61180RTER ,1.5A White LED Driver for Notebooks 16-WQFN -40 to 85FEATURES• 5 V to 24 V Input Voltage • Driver for Input/Output Isolation PFET• Integrated 1.5 A 40 V ..
TPS61181ARTER ,Six Strings LED Driver for Notebook Application 16-WQFN -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS61181A device provides highly integrated1• 4.5-V to 24-V Input Voltage ..
TSM6968DCA , 20V Dual N-Channel MOSFET w/ESD Protected
TSM9926DCS RL , 20V Dual N-Channel MOSFET
TSMF1000 ,High Speed IR Emitting Diode in SMD PackageRev. 6, 21-May-03 1TSMF1000/1020/1030/1040VISHAYVishay SemiconductorsParameter Test condition Symbo ..
TSML1000 ,Extented Power IR Emitting Diode in SMD PackageRev. 6, 21-May-03 1TSML1000/1020/1030/1040VISHAYVishay SemiconductorsParameter Test condition Symbo ..
TSOP1136 ,Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control Systems Document Number 820062 (8)Rev. 8, 29-Mar-01TSOP11..Vishay TelefunkenSuitable Data FormatThe circui ..
TSOP1138SB1 ,Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control Systems Document Number 820102 (8)Rev. 8, 29-Mar-01TSOP11..SB1Vishay TelefunkenSuitable Data FormatThe cir ..
White LED Driver w/ Integrated Power Diode and Fast Burst Dimming Mode
VBAT 2.5 V to 6 Vin
15 kHz / 50% duty cycle
www.ti.com.......................................................................................................................................................................................... SLVS991–SEPTEMBER 2009
DIMMING IC Supply Range: 2.5-Vto 6-V Power Stage Input Range: 4.5-Vto 10-V Thea boost converter witha 20-V rated
integrated and power diode that drivesup•
Integrated 1.1-A/ 20-V Internal Switch FET and to This device integratesa high
Power Diode side can turn on/off the LED current•
Drive upto5 LEDsin Series within applied external PWM signal. The
Fast on/off LED Current Within 1-μsin high also provides input-to-output
isolation shutdown.
Brightness Dimming Burst PWM Dimming Method With Frequency The default white LED currentis set with the external
Range From 60-Hzto 40-kHz sensor resistor R1, and the feedback voltageis
regulated as shown in the typical•
Built-in Soft Start-up application The LED current can be adjusted•
Over Load Protection using modulation (PWM) signal through•
Over Voltage Protection the LED currentis synchronizedto the
PWM device does not discharge the•
2.5× 2.5× 0.8 mm SON Package output capacitor during dimming, thus
reducing when dimming.
Separating input (VIN pin) and power stage•
Small Form Factor LCD Backlightinput the device flexible enoughto•
Mobile Phone support two-cell Li-ion battery applications.•
Digital Camera Other protection features include 1.1-A peak-to-peak•
Personal Camcorder over current protection (OCP), over voltage protection•
Single Lens Reflex (OVP), over load protection (OLP), and thermal
shutdown. The TPS61166is availableina 2.5 mm×
2.5 mm SON package with thermal pad.