TPS61090RSAR ,Adjustable, 500-mA, 96% Efficient Boost Converter, 20uA, QFN-16 SLVS484C–JUNE 2003–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Device Comparison Table(1) (2)T OUTPUT VOLTAGE DC-DC PAC ..
TPS61092RSAR ,5-V Output, 500-mA, 96% Efficient Boost Converter, 20uA, QFN-16Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6109x devices provide a power supply1• Synchronous (96% Efficient) Boo ..
TPS61092RSARG4 ,5-V Output, 500-mA, 96% Efficient Boost Converter, 20uA, QFN-16 16-QFN -40 to 85 SLVS484C–JUNE 2003–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Device Comparison Table(1) (2)T OUTPUT VOLTAGE DC-DC PAC ..
TPS61093DSKR ,Low Input, 20V/1.1A Step-Up DC/DC Converter with Integrated Power Diode and Input/Output Isolation 10-SON -40 to 85 SLVS992C–SEPTEMBER 2009–REVISED JULY 20156 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDSK Package10 Pins (WSON ..
TPS61097-33DBVR ,0.9Vin, 3.3Vout Boost Converter with Bypass SwitchFEATURES• Up to 95% Efficiency at Typical Operating APPLICATIONSConditions• MSP430 Applications• Co ..
TPS61100PW ,Adjustable, 95% Efficient Boost Converter with 120-mA LDO for Single/Dual-Cell ApplicationsSLVS411B–JUNE 2002–REVISED APRIL 2004These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads ..
TSM3481CX6 RF , 30V P-Channel MOSFET
TSM3481CX6 RF , 30V P-Channel MOSFET
TSM3900DCX6 RF , 20V Dual N-Channel MOSFET
TSM3900DCX6 RF , 20V Dual N-Channel MOSFET
TSM4410DCS , 25V Dual N-Channel MOSFET
TSM4426 , 20V Dual N-Channel MOSFET
Adjustable, 500-mA, 96% Efficient Boost Converter, 20uA, QFN-16
2.2 μF
100 μF
e.g. 5 V up to
500 mAProduct
Sample &
Tools &
TPS6109x Synchronous Boost Converter With Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6109x devices Synchronous (96% Efficient) Boost Converter solution for productsWith 500-mA Output Current From 1.8-V Input Ion or Li-Polymer,• Availableina 16-Pin VQFN4x4 Package NiMH battery and Device Quiescent Current:20 µA (Typ) higher than1A. The
output voltage thatis either adjusted by an external• Input Voltage Range: 1.8Vto 5.5V resistor divider or fixed internally on the chip.It• Adjustable Output Voltage Upto 5.5V Fixed provides high efficient power conversion and isOutput Voltage Options capableof delivering output currents upto 0.5Aat5 Power Save Modefor Improved Efficiencyat Low V at a supply voltage down to 1.8 V. The
Output Power implemented boost converteris based ona fixed
frequency, pulse-width- modulation (PWM) controller• Low Battery Comparator usinga synchronous rectifier to obtain maximum• Low EMI-Converter (Integrated Antiringing Switch) efficiency. Boost switch and rectifier switch are Load Disconnect During Shutdown connected internallyto provide the lowest leakage
inductance and best EMI behavior possible. The• Over-Temperature Protection maximum peak currentin the boost switchis limiteda valueof 2500 mA.
2 ApplicationsThe converter can be disabledto minimize battery• All Single CellLior Dual Cell Batteryor USB drain. During shutdown, the load is completelyPowered Operated Products disconnected from the battery.A low-EMI modeis– MP3 Player implementedto reduce ringing and,in effect, lower PDAs radiated electromagnetic energy when the converter
enters the discontinuous conduction mode.– Other Portable Equipment
The output voltage can be programmed by an
external resistor divideroris fixed internally on the
The deviceis packagedina 16-pin VQFN 4-mmx4- (16 RSA) package.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.
Simplified Application Schematic