TPS61061YZFR ,19V, 400mA Switch, 1MHz Boost Converter w/Brightness Control for White LED Power SuppliesMaximum Ratingsover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2)VIN ..
TPS61061YZFT ,19V, 400mA Switch, 1MHz Boost Converter w/Brightness Control for White LED Power SuppliesPin Functions (continued)PINNO. I/O DESCRIPTIONNAMECSP QFNSW C2 6 I Switch pin of the deviceDigital ..
TPS61062DRBR ,24V, 400mA Switch, 1MHz Boost Converter w/Brightness Control for White LED Power Suppliesfeatures integrated overvoltage and an• 500-mV or 250-mV Feedback Voltageadvanced short-circuit pro ..
TPS61062YZFR ,24V, 400mA Switch, 1MHz Boost Converter w/Brightness Control for White LED Power Supplies SLVS538B–NOVEMBER 2004–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Device Comparison TableOVERVOLTAGE PACKAGE PACKAGE M ..
TPS61070DDCR ,Adjustable, 600-mA Switch, 90% Efficient PFM/PWM Boost Converter in ThinSOT-23Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6107x devices provide a power supply1• 90% Efficient Synchronous Boost ..
TPS61070DDCRG4 ,Adjustable, 600-mA Switch, 90% Efficient PFM/PWM Boost Converter in ThinSOT-23 6-SOT -40 to 85Block Diagram... 9Information..... 215 Revision HistoryChanges from Revision D (December 2014) to R ..
TSM2N7000CTA3 , 60V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
TSM2N7002ECU , 50V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
TSM3404CX RF , 30V N-Channel MOSFET
TSM3404CXRF , 30V N-Channel MOSFET
TSM3404CXRF , 30V N-Channel MOSFET
TSM3441CX6 , 20V P-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFET
19V, 400mA Switch, 1MHz Boost Converter w/Brightness Control for White LED Power Supplies
2.7 V to 6 V
1 F
22 H
220 nF• TPS61060 Powersupto3 LEDs fixed switching frequencyto allowfor the useof small• TPS61061 Powersupto4 LEDs external components and to simplify possible EMI• TPS61062 Powersupto5 LEDs problems. The device comes with three different
overvoltage protection thresholds (14V,18V, and23• PWM Brightness Controlon Enableto allow inexpensive and small-output capacitors• Digital Brightness Controlon ILED with lower voltage ratings. The LED currentis initially• 1-MHz Fixed Switching Frequency set with the external sense resistor Rs, and the 400-mA Internal Power MOSFET Switch feedback voltageis regulatedto 500 mVor 250 mV,
depending on the configuration of the ILED pin.• LEDs Disconnected During Shutdown Digital brightness controlis implemented by applying• Operates With Small-Output Capacitors a simple digital signalto the ILED pin. Alternatively,aDownto 220 nF PWM signal upto1 kHz canbe appliedto the enable Upto 80% Efficiency pin to control the brightness of the LED. During
shutdown, the outputis disconnected from the input• 8-Pin NanoFree™ Package (Chipscale, CSP) to avoid leakage current through the LEDs.• 3-mm× 3-mm QFN Package
Device Information(1) Applications White LED Drivers• Cellular Phones• PDAs, Pocket PCs, and Smart Phones
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat• Digital Still Cameras the endofthe datasheet. Handheld Devices
Typical Application