TPS61043DRBRG4 ,TPS61043: Constant Current LED Driver 8-SON -40 to 85Block Diagram..... 813 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable8.3 Feature Description...... 9Informati ..
TPS61043DRBRG4 ,TPS61043: Constant Current LED Driver 8-SON -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
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TPS61043: Constant Current LED Driver
1.8 V to 6 V
4.7 µF
100 nFΩ
25 V8
Sample &
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TPS61043 Constant Current LED Driver Features Current Source With 18-V Overvoltage Protection Powersupto4 LEDsin Series Input Voltage Range: 1.8Vto6V Internal 30-V Switch Upto 85% Efficiency Precise Brightness Control Using PWM Signalor
Analog Signal Switching Frequencyupto1 MHz Internal Power MOSFET Switch 400 mA Operates With Small Output Capacitors Downto
100 nF Disconnects LEDs During Shutdown No Load Quiescent Current38 µA Typical Shutdown Current 0.1 µA Typical Availableina Small 3-mm× 3-mm QFN Package
Applications White LED Supply for Display Backlight and
Sidelightin PDAs, Pocket PCs, Smart Phones Handheld Devices Cellular Phones
DescriptionThe TPS61043isa high-frequency boost converter
with constant current output that drives white LEDsor
similar. The LED currentis set with the external
sense resistor (RS) andis directly regulated by the
feedback pin (FB) that regulates the voltage across
the sense resistor RSto 252 mV (typical). To control
LED brightness, the LED current can be pulsed by
applyinga PWM (pulse width modulated) signal with frequency rangeof 100 Hzto 50 kHzto the control
pin (CTRL). To allow higher flexibility, the device can configuredso that the brightnessis controlled by analog signalas well,as describedin Application
Information. To avoid possible leakage currents
through the LEDs during shutdown, the control pin
(CTRL) disables the device and disconnects the
LEDs from ground. For maximum safety during
operation, the output has integrated overvoltage
protection that prevents damageto the device by
limiting the output voltageto typically 18Vin caseof high-impedance output (for example, faulty LED).
The TPS61043 device provides a solution for
applications where higher LED currentsor more than
four LEDsin series mustbe powered.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical ApplicationµF and larger, reducethe LED ripple improve line