TPS61041QDBVRQ1 ,Q1Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6104x-Q1 devices are high-frequency boost1• Qualified for Automotive A ..
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TPS61042DRBRG4 ,30-V, 500-mA Switch Boost Converter in QFN-8 for White LED Applications 8-SON -40 to 85Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2) ..
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Automotive Catalog Low Power DC/DC Boost Conveter
0.1 1 10 100=5V =3.6V= 2.4V
− Output Current
VIN to 28 V
1.8 V to 6 V
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
TPS61040-Q1, TPS61041-Q1SGLS276D –JANUARY 2005–REVISED MARCH 2016
TPS6104x-Q1 Low-Power DC-DC Boost Converterin SOT-23 Package Features Qualifiedfor Automotive Applications 1.8-Vto 6-V Input Voltage Range Adjustable Output Voltage Range Upto28V 400-mA (TPS61040-Q1) and 250-mA (TPS61041-
Q1) Internal Switch Current Upto 1-MHz Switching Frequency 28-µA Typical No Load Quiescent Current 1-µA Typical Shutdown Current Internal Soft Start Space-Saving, 5-Pin SOT-23 Package
Applications Automotive Telematics, eCall, and Tolling Infotainment and Clusters Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) LCD Bias Supplies White-LED Supplies for LCD Backlights Dual-CELL NiMH/NiCdor Single-CELL Li-Ion
Battery-Powered Systems Standard 3.3-Vor 5-Vto 12-V Conversions
DescriptionThe TPS6104x-Q1 devices are high-frequency boost
converters for automotive applications. The devices
are ideal for generating output voltages upto 28V
from a pre-regulated low voltage rail, dual-cell
NiMH/NiCdora single-cell Li-Ion battery, supporting
input voltages from 1.8Vto6V.
The TPS6104x-Q1 devices operate witha switching
frequency upto1 MHz, allowing the useof small
external components such as ceramic as
tantalum output capacitors. Combined with the
saving, 5-pin SOT-23 package, the TPS6104x-Q1
devices accomplisha small overall solution size. The
TPS61040-Q1 device has an internal 400-mA switch
current limit, while the TPS61041-Q1 device hasa
250-mA switch current limit, offering lower output
voltage ripple and allowing the useofa smaller form
factor inductor for lower-power applications.
The TPS6104x-Q1 devices operate ina pulse
frequency modulation (PFM) scheme with constant
peak current control. The combination of low
quiescent current (28 µA typical) and the optimized
control scheme enable operationof the devicesat
high efficiencies over the entire load current range.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application Diagram Efficiencyvs Output Current