TPS61032RSARG4 ,5-V Output, 1-A, 96% Efficient Boost Converter w/20uA Iq in TSSOP-16 16-QFN -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics....... 514.3 Trademarks..... 198.6 Typical Characteristics. 614.4 Electr ..
TPS61040DBVR ,Q1Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6104x is a high-frequency boost converter1• 1.8-V to 6-V Input Voltage ..
TPS61040DBVRG4 ,Q1 SLVS413I–OCTOBER 2002–REVISED DECEMBER 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDDC Package, DBV Packa ..
TPS61040DRVR ,28-V, 400-mA Switch Boost Converter in SOT-23 for LCD and White LED Applications 6-WSON -40 to 85Features... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 118.1 Application Information........ 112 Appl ..
TPS61040QDBVRQ1 ,Q1Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6104x-Q1 devices are high-frequency boost1• Qualified for Automotive A ..
TPS61041DBVR ,Q1Sample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareTPS61040,TPS61041SLV ..
TSM221IN ,DUAL CMOS OP-AMPS AND DUAL CMOS COMPARATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS-+V = 5V, V = 0V, R , C connected to V , T = 25°C (unless otherwise speci ..
TSM221IN ,DUAL CMOS OP-AMPS AND DUAL CMOS COMPARATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS-+V = 3V, V = 0V, R , C connected to V , T = 25°C (unless otherwise speci ..
TSM2301CX RF , 20V P-Channel MOSFET
TSM2301CXRF , 20V P-Channel MOSFET
TSM2302CX RF , 20V N-Channel MOSFET
TSM2302CX RF , 20V N-Channel MOSFET
5-V Output, 1-A, 96% Efficient Boost Converter w/20uA Iq in TSSOP-16
e.g. 5 V up to
1000 mAProduct
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
TPS6103x 96% Efficient Synchronous Boost Converter With 4A Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6103x devices provide 96% Efficient Synchronous Boost Converter With solution for products powered1000-mA Output Current Ionor Li-polymer,ora twotoFrom 1.8-V Input or NiMH battery. The converter• Device Quiescent Current: 20-µA (Typ) output voltage thatis either
resistor divider or fixed internally• Input Voltage Range: 1.8-Vto 5.5-V
provides high efficient power conversion and is• Fixed and Adjustable Output Voltage Options Up capableof delivering output currents upto1Aat5Vto 5.5-V ata supply voltage downto 1.8V. The implemented• Power Save Modefor Improved Efficiencyat Low boost converteris based ona fixed frequency, pulse-Output Power width- modulation (PWM) controller using a
synchronous rectifierto obtain maximum efficiency.• Low Battery Comparator low load currents the converter enters Power Save• Low EMI-Converter (Integrated Antiringing Switch) modeto maintaina high efficiency overa wide load• Load Disconnect During Shutdown current range. The Power Save mode can be Over-Temperature Protection disabled, forcing the converterto operateata fixed
switching frequency.It can also operate synchronized• Availableina Small4 mmx4 mm QFN-16orina to an external clock signal thatis applied to theTSSOP-16 Package SYNC pin. The maximum peak currentin the boost
switchis limitedtoa valueof 4500 mA.
2 ApplicationsThe converter can be disabledto minimize batteryAll Single CellLior Dual Cell Battery Operated drain. During shutdown, the load is completelyProducts as MP-3 Player, PDAs, and Other disconnected from the battery.A low-EMI modeisPortable Equipment implementedto reduce ringing and,in effect, lower
radiated electromagnetic energy when the converter
enters the discontinuous conduction mode.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.