TPS61029QDRCRQ1 ,Automotive Catalog Adjustable, 1.8-A Switch, 96% Efficient Boost Converter with Down-Mode, QFN-10 10-VSON -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6102x devices provide a power supply1• Qualified for Automotive Applic ..
TPS61030 ,Adjustable, 1-A, 96% Efficient Boost Converter w/20uA Iq in TSSOP-16Features... 110.4 Device Functional Modes.. 102 Applications..... 111 Application and Implementatio ..
TPS61030PWP ,Adjustable, 1-A, 96% Efficient Boost Converter w/20uA Iq in TSSOP-16Maximum Ratings table. Changed Handling Ratings to ESD Ratings.... 4stg• Added System Examples .... ..
TPS61030PWPR ,Adjustable, 1-A, 96% Efficient Boost Converter w/20uA Iq in TSSOP-16Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV I ..
TPS61030PWPRG4 ,Adjustable, 1-A, 96% Efficient Boost Converter w/20uA Iq in TSSOP-16Electrical Characteristics....... 514.3 Trademarks..... 198.6 Typical Characteristics. 614.4 Electr ..
TPS61030RSAR ,Adjustable, 1-A, 96% Efficient Boost Converter w/20uA Iq in TSSOP-16 SLUS534G–SEPTEMBER 2002–REVISED MARCH 2015(1)6 Device Comparison TableOUTPUT VOLTAGE(1)T PACKAGE P ..
TSM221IN ,DUAL CMOS OP-AMPS AND DUAL CMOS COMPARATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS-+V = 3V, V = 0V, R , C connected to V , T = 25°C (unless otherwise speci ..
TSM221IN ,DUAL CMOS OP-AMPS AND DUAL CMOS COMPARATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS-+V = 5V, V = 0V, R , C connected to V , T = 25°C (unless otherwise speci ..
TSM2301CX RF , 20V P-Channel MOSFET
TSM2301CXRF , 20V P-Channel MOSFET
TSM2302CX RF , 20V N-Channel MOSFET
TSM2302CX RF , 20V N-Channel MOSFET
Automotive Catalog Adjustable, 1.8-A Switch, 96% Efficient Boost Converter with Down-Mode, QFN-10 10-VSON -40 to 125
3.3 V Up To
200 mAProduct
Sample &
Tools &
TPS6102x 96% Efficient Synchronous Boost Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS6102x Qualifiedfor Automotive Applications solution for products• 96% Efficient Synchronous Boost Converter two-cell,or three-cell• Output Voltage Remains Regulated When Input cell Li-Ionor Li-polymer
Voltage Exceeds Nominal Output Voltage go as high as
alkaline, and discharge• Device Quiescent Current:25 µA (Typ) be used for generating5Vat 500 mA froma 3.3-V• Input Voltage Range: 0.9Vto 6.5V railora Li-Ion battery. The boost converteris based• Fixed and Adjustable Output Voltage Options Up ona fixed frequency, pulse-width-modulation (PWM) 5.5V controller usinga synchronous rectifier to obtain
maximum efficiency. At low load currents, the• Power Save Modefor Improved Efficiencyat Low converter enters the Power Save Modeto maintainaOutput Power high efficiency overa wide load current range. The• Low Battery Comparator Power Save Mode can be disabled, forcing the Low EMI-Converter (Integrated Anti-ringing converterto operateata fixed switching frequency.
Switch) The maximum peak currentin the boost switchis
limitedtoa valueof 800 mA, 1500 mAor 1800 mA• Load Disconnect During Shutdown dependingon the device version.• Over-Temperature Protection
The TPS6102x devices keep the output voltage• Small 3-mm× 3-mm QFN-10 Package regulated even when the input voltage exceeds the
nominal output voltage. The output voltage can be
2 Applications programmed by an external resistor divider, oris All One-Cell, Two-Cell and Three-Cell Alkaline, fixed internally on the chip. The converter can be
disabledto minimize battery drain. During shutdown,NiCdor NiMHor Single-CellLi Battery Powered
the loadis completely disconnected from the battery.Products low-EMI modeis implementedto reduce ringing• Portable Audio Players and,in effect, lower radiated electromagnetic energy• PDAs when the converter enters the discontinuous Cellular Phones conduction mode. The deviceis packagedina 10-pin
VSON PowerPAD™ package.• Personal Medical Products Camera White LED Flash Light
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.