TPS60101PWP ,Regulated 3.3-V High-Power Low-Noise Charge Pump DC/DC Converterfeatures either constant frequen-typical operating circuitcy mode to minimize noise and output volt ..
TPS60101PWPG4 ,Regulated 3.3-V High-Power Low-Noise Charge Pump DC/DC Converter 20-HTSSOP maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TPS60110 ,Regulated 5-V High-Power Low-Noise Charge Pump DC/DC Converterfeatures either constant frequencyINPUTmode to minimize noise and output voltage rippleOUTPUT2.7 V ..
TPS60110PWP ,Regulated 5-V High-Power Low-Noise Charge Pump DC/DC Converterfeatures applications Up to 300-mA Output Current Replaces DC/DC Converters With Inductorsin Le ..
TPS60110PWPR ,Regulated 5-V High-Power Low-Noise Charge Pump DC/DC Convertermaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TPS60110PWPRG4 ,Regulated 5-V High-Power Low-Noise Charge Pump DC/DC Convertermaximum ratings (unless otherwise noted)Input voltage range, V (IN, OUT, ENABLE, SKIP, COM, CLK, FB ..
TSM1014AIDT , Low Consumption Voltage and Current Controller for Battery Chargers and Adaptors
TSM-102-01-S-SV , SMT .025" SQ POST HEADER
TSM102AI ,DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS+ - oV =5V,V =0V,T =25 C (unless otherwise specified)CC CC ambSymbol Para ..
Regulated 3.3-V High-Power Low-Noise Charge Pump DC/DC Converter
Regulated 3.3-V ±4% Output Only Four External Components Required Up to 90% Efficiency 1.8-V to 3.6-V Input Voltage Range 50-µA Quiescent Supply Current 0.05-µA Shutdown Current Load Isolated in Shutdown Space-Saving Thermally-Enhanced TSSOPPowerPAD Package Evaluation Module Available
− Portable Instruments
− Battery-Powered Microprocessor and
DSP Systems
− Miniature Equipment
− Backup-Battery Boost Converters
− PDAs
− Laptops
− Handheld Instrumentation
− Medical Instruments
− Cordless Phones
descriptionThe TPS60101 step-up, regulated charge pump
generates a 3.3-V ±4% output voltage from a
1.8-V to 3.6-V input voltage (two alkaline, NiCd, or
NiMH batteries). Output current is 100 mA from a
2-V input. Only four external capacitors are
needed to build a complete low-noise dc/dc
converter. The push-pull operating mode of two
single-ended charge pumps assures the low
output voltage ripple as current is continuously
transferred to the output. From a 2-V input, the
TPS60101 can start into full load with loads as low
as 33 Ω.
The TPS60101 features either constant frequen-
cy mode to minimize noise and output voltage
ripple or the power-saving pulse-skip mode to
extend battery life at light loads. The TPS60101
switching frequency is 300 kHz. The logic
shutdown function reduces the supply current to
1-µA (max) and disconnects the load from the
input. Special current-control circuitry prevents
excessive current from being drawn from the
battery during start-up. This DC/DC converter
requires no inductors and has low EMI. It is
available in the small 20-pin TSSOP PowerPAD
package (PWP).
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.