TPS54225PWPR ,4.5V to 18V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85features an adjustable slow start time and apower good function. The TPS54225 is available in• Powe ..
TPS54226 FEATURES APPLICATIONS23• D-CAP2™ Mode Enables Fast Transient• Wide Range of Applications for Low Vo ..
TPS54226PWP ,4.5V to 18V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode? 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover operating free-air temperature range, V ,V = 12V (unless otherwise n ..
TPS54226PWPR ,4.5V to 18V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode? 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
TPS54226RGTR ,4.5V to 18V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode? 16-QFN -40 to 85features an adjustable slow start time and apower good function. The TPS54226 is available inthe 14 ..
TPS54226RGTR ,4.5V to 18V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode? 16-QFN -40 to 85maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
TSDF1220 ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Document Number 850662 (6) Rev. 6, 30-Jun-00TSDF1220/TSDF1220R/TSDF1220W/TSDF1220RWVishay Semicond ..
TSDF1220W ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistorapplications
4.5V to 18V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85
(50 mV/div)OUT (1A/div)OUTTPS54225
4.5V to 18V Input, 2-A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFTTM Converter
Checkfor Samples: TPS54225
23• D-CAP2™ Mode Enables Fast Transient
Response The TPS54225is an adaptive on-time D-CAP2™
mode synchronous buck converter. The TPS54225•
Low Output Ripple and Allows Ceramic Outputenables system designersto complete the suiteof
Capacitorvarious end equipment’s power bus regulators witha•
Wide VCC Input Voltage Range: 4.5Vto18V cost effective, low component count, low standby•
Wide VIN Input Voltage Range:2Vto18V current solution. The main control loop for the
TPS54225 uses the D-CAP2™ mode control which•
Output Voltage Range: 0.76Vto 5.5Vprovidesa fast transient response with no external•
Highly Efficient Integrated FET’s Optimized compensation components.
for Lower Duty Cycle ApplicationsThe TPS54225 also hasa proprietary circuit that
- 160 mΩ (High Side) and 110 mΩ (Low Side)enables the deviceto adaptto both low equivalent•
High Efficiency, less than10 μA
at shutdown series resistance (ESR) output capacitors, such as•
High Initial Bandgap Reference Accuracy POSCAP or SP-CAP, and ultra-low ESR ceramic
Adjustable Soft Start capacitors. The device operates from 4.5-Vto 18-V
VCC input, and from 2-Vto 18-V VIN input power•
Pre-Biased Soft Start supply voltage. The output voltage can be•
700-kHz Switching Frequency (fSW) programmed between 0.76V and 5.5V. The device•
Cycle-By-Cycle Overcurrent Limit also features an adjustable slow start time anda
power good function. The TPS54225is availablein•
Power Good Output the 14 pin HTSSOP package, and designed to
operate from –40°Cto 85°C.
APPLICATIONS Wide Rangeof Applications for Low Voltage
System Digital TV Power Supply High Definition Blu-ray Disc™ Players Networking Home Terminal Digital Set Top Box (STB)space