TPS5420DR ,5.5V to 36V Input, 2A, 500kHz Step-Down Converter 8-SOIC -40 to 125These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
TPS5420DRG4 ,5.5V to 36V Input, 2A, 500kHz Step-Down Converter 8-SOIC -40 to 125maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly and function ..
TPS5420MDREP ,Enhanced Product 5.5V to 36V Input, 2A, 500kHz Step Down Converter 8-SOIC -55 to 125/swift• High Efficiency up to 95% Enabled by 110-mΩIntegrated MOSFET SwitchAPPLICATIONS• Wide Outpu ..
TPS5420QDRQ1 ,Automotive Catalog 5.5V to 36V Input 2-A Step-Down Converter 8-SOIC -40 to 125maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly and function ..
TPS54218RTER ,2.95V to 6V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFT? Converter 16-WQFN -40 to 150Features 3 DescriptionTheTPS54218 device is a full-featured, 6-V, 2-A,1• Two, 30-mΩ (typical) MOSFE ..
TPS54225 ,4.5V to 18V Input, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
TSD4M150V ,V(ds): 100V; V(dgr): 100V; V(gs): +-20V; 500W; I(d): 135A; N-channel enhancement mode ISOFET power MOS transistor module. For DC-DC & DC-AC converters, SMPS & UPS, motor control, output storage for PWM, ultrasonic circuitsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vros Drain-Source Voltage (Ves = 0) 100 V
V ..
TSD882SCT , Low Vce(sat) NPN Transistor
TSDF1220 ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Document Number 850662 (6) Rev. 6, 30-Jun-00TSDF1220/TSDF1220R/TSDF1220W/TSDF1220RWVishay Semicond ..
TSDF1220W ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistorapplications
5.5V to 36V Input, 2A, 500kHz Step-Down Converter
100 0.5 1 2.5
Efficiency Output CurrentA --
Efficiency vs Output CurrentSimplified Schematic = 12 V
www.ti.com SLVS642E–APRIL 2006–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2013
Checkfor Samples: TPS5420
1FEATURES APPLICATIONS Wide Input Voltage Range: 5.5Vto36V • Consumer: Set-top Box, DVD, LCD Displays Upto 2-A Continuous (3-A Peak) Output • Industrial and Car Audio Power Supplies
Current • Battery Chargers, High Power LED Supply High Efficiency upto 95% Enabled by 110-mΩ • 12-V/24-V Distributed Power Systems
Integrated MOSFET Switch Wide Output Voltage Range: Adjustable Down DESCRIPTION 1.22V with 1.5% Initial Accuracy The TPS5420 is a high-output-current PWM
converter that integratesa low resistance high side
• Internal Compensation Minimizes External N-channel MOSFET. Included on the substrate with
Parts Count the listed featuresisa high performance voltage error
• Fixed 500-kHz Switching Frequency for Small amplifier that provides tight voltage regulation
Filter Size accuracy under transient conditions;an undervoltage-
Improved Line Regulation and Transient lockout circuit to prevent start-up until the input
voltage reaches 5.5 V; an internally set slow-start
Response by Input Voltage Feed Forwardcircuitto limit inrush currents; anda voltage feed-
• System Protected by Over Current Limiting, forward circuit to improve the transient response.
Over Voltage Protection and Thermal Using the ENA pin, shutdown supply current is
Shutdown reducedto18 μA typically. Other features include an
• –40°Cto 125°C Operating Junction active-high enable, overcurrent limiting, overvoltage
Temperature Range protection and thermal shutdown. To reduce design
complexity and external component count, the
• Availablein Small 8-Pin SOIC Package TPS5420 feedback loopis internally compensated.
The TPS5420 deviceis availableinan easyto use8-
pin SOIC package.TI provides evaluation modules
and the Designer software tool to aid in quickly
achieving high-performance power supply designsto
meet aggressive equipment development cycles.