TPS54110PWP ,Low Input Voltage 1.5A Step Down Converter with Adjustable Output VoltageELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST =–40°C to 125°C, VIN = 3 V to 6 V (unless otherwise noted)JPARAMETER TE ..
TPS54110PWPR ,Low Input Voltage 1.5A Step Down Converter with Adjustable Output Voltagefeatures are a true, high-1% Accuracyperformance, voltage error amplifier that provides• Externally ..
TPS54110PWPRG4 ,3V to 6V Input, 1.5A Synchronous SWIFT? Step-Down Converter 20-HTSSOP -40 to 85These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
TPS54110PWPRG4 ,3V to 6V Input, 1.5A Synchronous SWIFT? Step-Down Converter 20-HTSSOP -40 to 85maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functi ..
TPS54140DGQ ,3.5V to 42V Input, 1.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150 SLVS889C–OCTOBER 2008–REVISED NOVEMBER 20146 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDGQ Package10-Pin MSOP ..
TPS54140DGQR ,3.5V to 42V Input, 1.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150Features Item From: 300kHz to 2.5MHz Switching Frequency To: 100kHz to 2.5MHz Switching Frequency.. ..
TSD1664CY RMG , Low Vcesat NPN Transistor
TSD2150ACY RM , Low Vcesat NPN Transistor
TSD4M150V ,V(ds): 100V; V(dgr): 100V; V(gs): +-20V; 500W; I(d): 135A; N-channel enhancement mode ISOFET power MOS transistor module. For DC-DC & DC-AC converters, SMPS & UPS, motor control, output storage for PWM, ultrasonic circuitsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vros Drain-Source Voltage (Ves = 0) 100 V
V ..
TSD882SCT , Low Vce(sat) NPN Transistor
TSDF1220 ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Document Number 850662 (6) Rev. 6, 30-Jun-00TSDF1220/TSDF1220R/TSDF1220W/TSDF1220RWVishay Semicond ..
TSDF1220W ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistorapplications
Low Input Voltage 1.5A Step Down Converter with Adjustable Output Voltage
(6,3mmx6,4 mm)
Typical Size
www.ti.com SLVS500C –DECEMBER 2003–REVISED FEBRUARY 2011
3-V TO 6-V Input, 1.5-A Output Synchronous-Buck PWM
Switcher with Integrated FETs( SWIFT™)
Checkfor Samples: TPS54110
1FEATURES DESCRIPTION Integrated MOSFET Switches for High As
Efficiencyat 1.5-A Continuous Output Source the
Sink Current synchronous-buck
0.9-Vto 3.3-V Adjustable Output Voltage With substrate
1% Accuracy performance,•
Externally Compensated for Design Flexibility high
Fast Transient Response undervoltage-lockout
Wide PWM Frequency: Fixed 350 kHz, 550 kHz, externally
or Adjustable 280 kHzto 700 kHz currents;•
Load Protectedby Peak Current Limit and processor/logic
Thermal Shutdown sequencing.
Integrated Solution Reduces Board Area and The
Total Cost enhanced
Microprocessors Broadband,