TPS53513RVER ,1.5V to 18V Input (4.5V to 25V Bias), 8-A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFT? Converter 28-VQFN-CLIP -40 to 85 SLUSBP9B–SEPTEMBER 2013–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsRVE PACKAGE28-PIN(TO ..
TPS53819ARGTR ,High-Performance, Eco-mode?, Single Synchronous Step-Down Controller with PMBus? 16-QFN -40 to 85Features 2 Applications1• Conversion Input Voltage Range: 3 V to 28 V • Point-of-Load Power In:• VD ..
TPS54010PWP ,2.2V-4.0V, 14A Output Synchronous Buck PWM Switcher w/Integrated FETsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = -40°C to 125°C, VIN = 3 V to 4 V, PVIN = 2.2 V to 4 V (unless otherwi ..
TPS54010PWPR ,2.2V-4.0V, 14A Output Synchronous Buck PWM Switcher w/Integrated FETsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functi ..
TPS5401DGQR ,3.5V to 42V Input, 0.5 A Step Down Converter 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS5401 device is a 42-V, 0.5-A, step-down1• 3.5-V to 42-V Input Voltage ..
TPS54020RUWR ,4.5V to 17V Input, 10A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFT? Converter with Out-of-Phase Synchronization 15-VQFN-HR -40 to 150 SLVSB10D–JULY 2012–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Description (Continued)The SS pin controls the output vo ..
TSD1664CY RMG , Low Vcesat NPN Transistor
TSD2150ACY RM , Low Vcesat NPN Transistor
TSD4M150V ,V(ds): 100V; V(dgr): 100V; V(gs): +-20V; 500W; I(d): 135A; N-channel enhancement mode ISOFET power MOS transistor module. For DC-DC & DC-AC converters, SMPS & UPS, motor control, output storage for PWM, ultrasonic circuitsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vros Drain-Source Voltage (Ves = 0) 100 V
V ..
TSD882SCT , Low Vce(sat) NPN Transistor
TSDF1220 ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Document Number 850662 (6) Rev. 6, 30-Jun-00TSDF1220/TSDF1220R/TSDF1220W/TSDF1220RWVishay Semicond ..
TSDF1220W ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistorapplications
1.5V to 18V Input (4.5V to 25V Bias), 8-A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFT?Converter
TPS53513VBST N/C SW92120 1918 171615
100 2 4 10
Output Current (A)
Vout = 0.6 V Vout = 1 V
Vout = 1.2 V Vout = 1.5 V
Vout = 1.8 V Vout = 2.5 V
Vout = 3.3 V Vout = 5 V
fSW = 500 KHz, VIN = 12 V, VDD = 5 V
TA = 25°C, L OUT = 1 H, Mode = Auto-skip
VOUT = 0.6 V
VOUT = 1.2 V
VOUT = 1.8 V
VOUT = 3.3 V
VOUT = 1 V
VOUT = 1.5 V
VOUT = 2.5 V
VOUT = 5 V
Sample &
Buy• SupportsAll Ceramic Output Capacitors external-component count for space-conscious power Reference Voltage 600 mV ±0.5% Tolerance systems. Output Voltage Range: 0.6Vto 5.5V This device features high-performance integrated D-CAP3™ Control Mode With Fast Load-Step MOSFETs, accurate 0.5% 0.6-V reference, and an
integrated boost switch. Competitive features includeResponseSWIFT™
very low external-component count, fast load-• Auto-Skipping Eco-mode™ for High Light-Load transient response, auto-skip mode operation,Efficiency internal soft-start control, and no requirement for• FCCM for Tight Output Ripple and Voltage compensation.Requirements A forced continuous conduction mode helps meet• Eight Selectable Frequency Settings from tight voltage regulation accuracy requirements for250 kHzto1 MHz performance DSPs and FPGAs. The TPS53513 Precharged Startup Capability deviceis availableina 28-pin VQFN package andis
specified from –40°Cto 85°C ambient temperature.• Built-in Output Discharge Circuit Open-Drain Power-Good Output
Device Information(1) 3.5 mm× 4.5 mm, 28-Pin, VQFN Package
2 Applications(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat• Server and Cloud-Computing POLs the endofthe datasheet. Broadband, Networking, and Optical
Communications Infrastructure I/O Supplies Supportedat the WEBENCH® Design Center
Simplified Schematic Efficiency