TPS53314RGFT ,4.5V to 25V Input, 6-A Step-Down Converter with Integrated MOSFETs 40-VQFN -40 to 85features include:to 1 MHz with an External Resistorgreater than 96% maximum efficiency, 3 V to 15 V ..
TPS53315RGFR ,12-A Step-Down Regulator with Integrated Switcher 40-VQFN -40 to 85features include: greater than• Built-in 1%, 0.6-V Reference96% maximum efficiency, 3 V to 15 V wid ..
TPS53318DQPR ,High-Efficiency 8-A Synchronous Buck Converter with Eco-mode ? 22-LSON-CLIP -40 to 85 SLUSAY8E–JUNE 2012–REVISED NOVEMBER 20165 Device Comparison Table(1)ORDER NUMBER OUTPUT CURRENT (A ..
TPS53319DQPR ,1.5V to 22V Input (4.5V to 25V Bias), 14A Synchronous Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode? 22-LSON-CLIP -40 to 85 SLUSAY8E–JUNE 2012–REVISED NOVEMBER 20165 Device Comparison Table(1)ORDER NUMBER OUTPUT CURRENT (A ..
TPS53353DQPR ,High-Efficiency 20-A Synchronous Buck Converter with Eco-mode ? 22-LSON-CLIP -40 to 85 SLUSAK2C–AUGUST 2011–REVISED FEBRUARY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDQP Package22-Pins LSON ..
TPS53355DQPR ,1.5V to 15V Input (4.5V to 25V Bias), 30A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFT? Converter with Eco-mode? 22-LSON-CLIP -40 to 85features include: 1.5-V to 15-V wide conversion input• Selectable Switching Frequency from 250 kHz ..
TSD1664CY RMG , Low Vcesat NPN Transistor
TSD2150ACY RM , Low Vcesat NPN Transistor
TSD4M150V ,V(ds): 100V; V(dgr): 100V; V(gs): +-20V; 500W; I(d): 135A; N-channel enhancement mode ISOFET power MOS transistor module. For DC-DC & DC-AC converters, SMPS & UPS, motor control, output storage for PWM, ultrasonic circuitsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vros Drain-Source Voltage (Ves = 0) 100 V
V ..
TSD882SCT , Low Vce(sat) NPN Transistor
TSDF1220 ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Document Number 850662 (6) Rev. 6, 30-Jun-00TSDF1220/TSDF1220R/TSDF1220W/TSDF1220RWVishay Semicond ..
TSDF1220W ,12 GHz Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistorapplications
4.5V to 25V Input, 6-A Step-Down Converter with Integrated MOSFETs
1FEATURES Voltage Range:3Vto15V Desktop Computers Range: 4.5Vto25V Range: 0.6Vto 5.5V Equipments•
MOSFETs with 6-Aisa D-CAP™ mode, 6-A synchronous with integrated MOSFETs.Itis designed use, low external component count, and power systems. features single-rail input support, one and one 7.5-mΩ integrated MOSFET, 1%, 0.6V Reference, and integrated boostA sample of competitive features include: than 96% maximum efficiency,3Vto 15 input voltage range, very low external count, D-CAP™ mode control for super selectable auto-skip and PWM internal soft-start control, adjustable andno need for compensation. input voltage ranges from3V supply voltage rangeis from 4.5Vto25 output voltage rangeis from 0.6Vto 5.5V.is availableina5 mm×7 mm 40-pin, andis specified from –40°Cto 85°C.