TPS40211DGQR ,Wide Input Range Current Mode Boost Controller 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 125features include programmable soft-start,• Internal Slope Compensationovercurrent protection with a ..
TPS40211DRCR ,Wide Input Range Current Mode Boost Controller 10-VSON -40 to 1256.2 ESD RatingsVALUE UNIT(1)Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 ±1500V Electrostatic ..
TPS40211QDGQRQ1 ,Automotive Catalog Wide Input Range Current Mode Boost Controller 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 125 SLVS861E–AUGUST 2008–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDGQ Package10-Pin PDSO ..
TPS40222DRPR ,1.6A, 1.25-MHz Buck Converter in a 3 mm SON Package 6-VSON -40 to 125features with a minimum of• Short Circuit Protectionexternal components.• Thermal ShutdownThe TPS40 ..
TPS40222DRPRG4 ,1.6A, 1.25-MHz Buck Converter in a 3 mm SON Package 6-VSON -40 to 125maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functi ..
TPS40222DRPT ,1.6A, 1.25-MHz Buck Converter in a 3 mm SON Package 6-VSON -40 to 125ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = -40°C to 125°C, 4.5 ≤ V = V ≤ 5.5 V (unless otherwise noted)J AVIN PV ..
TSC101AILT ,High side current sense amplifierfeatures a 2.8 to 30 V input common-mode range that is independent of the supply voltage. The main ..
TSC101BILT ,High side current sense amplifierAbsolute maximum ratingsSymbol Parameter Value UnitV Input pins differential voltage (V -V)±60 Vid ..
TSC101CILT ,High side current sense amplifierElectrical characteristics (1)Table 4. SupplySymbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max ..
TSC-102 ,High side current sense amplifier plus signal conditioning amplifierAbsolute maximum ratingsSymbol Parameter Value UnitV Input pins differential voltage (V -V)±20id p ..
TSC-106L3 , Miniature, Sealed PC Board Relay
TSC-112L3H , Miniature, Sealed PC Board Relay
Wide Input Range Current Mode Boost Controller
Sample &
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TPS40210, TPS40211SLUS772F –MARCH 2008–REVISED MARCH 2015
TPS4021x 4.5-V to 52-V Input Current Mode Boost Controller Features For Boost, Flyback, SEPIC, LED Drive Apps Wide Input Operating Voltage: 4.5Vto52V Adjustable Oscillator Frequency Fixed Frequency Current Mode Control Internal Slope Compensation Integrated Low-Side Driver Programmable Closed-Loop Soft-Start Overcurrent Protection External Synchronization Capable Reference 700 mV (TPS40210), 260 mV
(TPS40211) Low Current Disable Function Createa Custom Design Using the TPS4021x
with the WEBENCH Power Designer
Applications LED Lighting Industrial Control Systems Battery Powered Systems
DescriptionThe TPS40210 and TPS40211 are wide-input voltage
(4.5Vto 52 V), nonsynchronous boost controllers.
They are suitable for topologies which requirea
grounded source N-channel FET including boost,
flyback, SEPIC and various LED Driver applications.
The device features include programmable soft-start,
overcurrent protection with automatic retry and
programmable oscillator frequency. Current mode
control provides improved transient response and
simplified loop compensation. The main difference
between the two partsis the reference voltageto
which the error amplifier regulates the FB pin.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.
Simplified Schematic