TPS2553DBVR ,Adjustable, Active High, Constant-Current, Current-Limited Power-Distribution Switch 6-SOT-23 -40 to 85Features - UL Listed – File No. E169910.. 1• Changed Figure 17 Ttitle From: Current Limit Threshold ..
TPS2553DBVT ,Adjustable, Active High, Constant-Current, Current-Limited Power-Distribution Switch 6-SOT-23 -40 to 85Features... 1 10 Application and Implementation...... 1710.1 Application Information...... 172 Appl ..
TPS2553DRVR ,Adjustable, Active High, Constant-Current, Current-Limited Power-Distribution Switch 6-WSON -40 to 85 SLVS841F–NOVEMBER 2008–REVISED AUGUST 2016Changes from Revision B (February 2009) to Revision C Pa ..
TPS2553DRVR-1 ,Adjustable, Active High, Latch-off, Current-Limited Power-Distribution Switch 6-WSON -40 to 85
TPS2553DRVT ,Adjustable, Active High, Constant-Current, Current-Limited Power-Distribution Switch 6-WSON -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS255x and TPS255x-1 power-distribution1• Up to 1.5-A Maximum Load Curre ..
TPS2556DRBR ,Precision Adjustable Current-Limited Power-Distribution Switches 8-SON -40 to 85 SLVS931B–NOVEMBER 2009–REVISED DECEMBER 20165 Device Comparison Table33 mΩ, SINGLE 80 mΩ, SINGLE 8 ..
TS87C52X2-MIA , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MIB , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MIB , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MIB , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-VCA , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C54X2 ,8-bit microcontroller 16 Kbytes OTPfeatures of the AtmelThe TS80C54/58X2 has 2 software-selectable modes ofWireless & Microcontrollers ..
Adjustable, Active High, Constant-Current, Current-Limited Power-Distribution Switch
Input USB
USB Data
0.1 Fm
120 Fm
USB requirement only*
USB requirement that downstreamProduct
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
TPS2552, TPS2553, TPS2552-1, TPS2553-1SLVS841F –NOVEMBER 2008–REVISED AUGUST 2016
Features Upto 1.5-A Maximum Load Current ±6% Current-Limit Accuracyat 1.7A (Typical) Meets USB Current-Limiting Requirements Backwards Compatible With TPS2550 and
TPS2551 Adjustable Current Limit:75 mAto 1700 mA
(Typical) Constant-Current (TPS255x) and Latch-Off
(TPS255x-1) Versions Fast Overcurrent Response-2µs (Typical) 85-mΩ High-Side MOSFET (DBV Package) Reverse Input-Output Voltage Protection Operating Range: 2.5Vto 6.5V Built-In Soft Start 15-kV ESD Protection per IEC 61000-4-2 (With
External Capacitance) UL Listed– File No. E169910 and NEMKO
IEC60950-1-am1 ed2.0 See theTI Switch Portfolio
Applications USB Ports and Hubs Digital TVs Set-Top Boxes VOIP Phones
DescriptionThe TPS255x and TPS255x-1 power-distribution
switches are intended for applications where
precision current limiting is required or heavy
capacitive loads and short circuits are encountered
and provide upto 1.5Aof continuous load current.
These devices offera programmable current-limit
threshold between 75 mA and 1.7A (typical) through external resistor. Current-limit accuracyas tightas
±6% can be achieved at the higher current-limit
settings. The power-switch rise and fall times are
controlledto minimize current surges during turnon
and turnoff.
TPS255x devices limit the output currenttoa safe
level by usinga constant-current mode when the
output load exceeds the current-limit threshold.
TPS255x-1 devices provide circuit breaker
functionality by latching off the power switch during
overcurrentor reverse-voltage situations. An internal
reverse-voltage comparator disables the power-
switch when the output voltageis driven higher than
the inputto protect devices on the input sideof the
switch. The FAULT output asserts low during
overcurrent and reverse-voltage conditions.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application