TPS2541ARTER ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
TPS2541ARTET ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85features low capacitanceAvailable Apple Devices and/or BC1.2and low on resistance, allowing signals ..
TPS2541RTET ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85features low capacitanceAvailable Apple Devices and/or BC1.2and low on resistance, allowing signals ..
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TPS2543RTET ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller 16-WQFN -40 to 125features, namely, power wake and port powerMouse/Keyboard (Low-Speed Only) Wake Upmanagement (PPM) ..
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TS87C52X2-MCA , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
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USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports
TPS2540, TPS2540A
TPS2541, TPS2541A
USB Charging Port Power Switch and Controller
Checkfor Samples: TPS2540, TPS2540A, TPS2541, TPS2541A
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe TPS2540/40A and TPS2541/41A are
Meets Battery Charging Specification BC1.2 combinationof current-limited USB port power switch
for DCP and CDP witha USB 2.0 high-speed data line (D+/D-) switch•
Meets Chinese Telecommunications Industry and a USB charging port identification
Standard YD/T 1591-2009 Applications include notebook PCs and other
intelligent USB host devices. The wide bandwidth (2.6•
Supports Sleep-Mode Charging for MostGHz) data-line switch also features low capacitance
Available Apple®
Devices and/or BC1.2 and low on resistance, allowing signalsto pass with
Compliant Devices minimum edge and phase distortion. The•
Compatible With USB 2.0 and 3.0 Power TPS2540/40A/41/41A monitors D+ and D-, providing
Switch Requirements the correct hand-shaking protocol with compliant
2.6-GHz Bandwidth USB 2.0 Data Switch client devices.
73-mΩ (typ.) High-Side MOSFET The TPS2540/40A/41/41A supports the following
charging logic schemes:•
Adjustable Current Limit upto 2.8A (typical) USB 2.0 BC1.2•
OUT Discharge Through CTLx=000
(TPS2540/40A)or DSC (TPS2541/41A) Input • Chinese Telecom Standard YD/T 1591-2009 Divider Mode, compliant with Apple devices such•
Longer Detach Detection Time (TPS2540A/41A)®®