TPS2511DGNR ,USB Dedicated Charging Port Controller and Current Limiting Power Switch 8-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS2511 device is a USB-dedicated charging1• Supports a USB DCP Shorting ..
TPS2540ARTET ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85features low capacitanceAvailable Apple Devices and/or BC1.2and low on resistance, allowing signals ..
TPS2540RTER ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85features low capacitanceAvailable Apple Devices and/or BC1.2and low on resistance, allowing signals ..
TPS2540RTET ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
TPS2541ARTER ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
TPS2541ARTET ,USB Charging Port Power Switch & Controller for Charging Host Ports & Dedicated Charging Ports 16-WQFN -40 to 85features low capacitanceAvailable Apple Devices and/or BC1.2and low on resistance, allowing signals ..
TS87C52X2-LCB , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MCA , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MCA , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MCA , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MCA , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
TS87C52X2-MCC , 8-bit Microcontroller 8 Kbytes ROM/OTP, ROMless
USB Dedicated Charging Port Controller and Current Limiting Power Switch
AC-to-DC Converter
5.0 VOUT
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
TPS2511 USB Dedicated Charging Port Controller and Current Limiting Power Switch Features Supportsa USB DCP Shorting D+ Lineto D– Line Supportsa USB DCP Applying2Von D+ Line
and 2.7Von D– Line (ora USB DCP Applying
2.7Von D+ Line and2Von D– Line) Supportsa USB DCP Applying 1.2Von D+ and Lines Automatically Switch D+ and D– Lines
Connections foran Attached Device Hiccup Mode for Output Short-Circuit Protection Provides CS Pinfor USB Cable Compensation Programmable Current Limit (ILIM_SET Pin) Accurate ±10% Current Limitat 2.3A (Typical) 70-mΩ (Typical) High-Side MOSFET Compatible With USB 2.0 and 3.0 Power Switch
Requirements Operating Range: 4.5Vto 5.5V Availablein 8-Pin MSOP-PowerPAD™ Package
Applications Vehicle USB Power Chargers AC-DC Wall Adapter With USB Ports Other USB Chargers
DescriptionThe TPS2511 deviceisa USB-dedicated charging
port (DCP) controller and current-limiting power
switch. An auto-detect feature monitors USB data line
voltage, and automatically provides the correct
electrical signatures on the data lines to charge
compliant devices among the following dedicated
charging schemes: Divider DCP, requiredto apply 2.7V and2V on
the D+ and D– lines respectivelyor2V and 2.7V the D+ and D– lines respectively BC1.2 DCP, requiredto short the D+ lineto the line 1.2Von both D+ and D– lines
The TPS2511isa 70-mΩ power-distribution switch
intended for applications where heavy capacitive
loads and short circuits are likelyto be encountered.
This device also provides hiccup mode when the
output (OUT) voltageis less than 3.8V (typical)or
when an overtemperature protection occurs duringan
overload condition. Accurate and programmable
current limit provides flexibility and convenience for
applications. The TPS2511 providesa CS pin for
USB cable resistance compensation and an EN pinto
control the device turnon and turnoff.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Simplified Schematic