TPS2456RHHT ,Dual 12V Protection and Blocking ORing Controller 36-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe TPS2456 is a dual, 12 V, channel protection• Dual 12 V Protection and Block ..
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Dual 12V Protection and Blocking ORing Controller
Checkfor Samples: TPS2456
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe TPS2456isa dual, 12 V, channel protection
• Dual12V Protection and Blocking Control (hotswap) and blocking (ORing) controller that
• Independent Current Limit and Fast Trip provides inrush control, current limiting, overload
Blocking Permits ORingof Multiple Inputs protection, and reverse current blocking. The current
sense topology provides both accurate current limits
• Power Good and Fault Outputs and independent settingof current limit and fast trip
• Analog Current Monitor Outputs thresholds.
• -40°Cto 125°C Operating Junction The ORing control uses an external MOSFET to
Temperature block reverse current when an input is shorted.
• QFN36 Package Systems with closely matched supply voltages and
feed networks can supply current from both supplies
APPLICATIONS simultaneously.
ATCA Carrier Boards The MONx output provides an accurate analog
indicationof load current.
• AdvancedMC™ Slots Blade Servers The protection circuits may be used without blocking,
and the blocking may be used without protection.
• Base Stations Internal connections prevent implementationof these
• Configurable for as four fully-independent functions.
– 1 Source,2 Loads 2 Sources,1 Load 2 Sources,2 Loads Two