TPS2421-1DDA ,20V, 5A, 33m? eFuse with PG 8-SO PowerPAD -40 to 125features. Load protection is accomplished• –40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature Rangeby a non-curre ..
TPS2421-1DDAR ,20V, 5A, 33m? eFuse with PG 8-SO PowerPAD -40 to 125Block Diagram... 1112.7 Glossary. 228.3 Feature Description.... 1213 Mechanical, Packaging, and Ord ..
TPS2421-2DDAR ,20V, 5A, 33m? eFuse with PG 8-SO PowerPAD -40 to 125features. Load protection is accomplished• –40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature Rangeby a non-curre ..
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TPS2480PWR ,Positive Voltage, Intelligent Protection Device/Hotswap Controller and I2C Current Monitor 20-TSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTION• Programmable FET Power LimitThe TPS2480/81 are designed to minimize inrush in ..
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3-20V Integrated FET 0-5A Hot Swap with Latch off on Fault
Sample &
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TPS2421-x 5-A, 20-V Integrated FET Hot Swap Features Integrated Pass MOSFET Upto 20-V Bus Operation Programmable Fault Current Current Limit Proportionally Larger than Fault
Current Programmable Fault Timer Internal MOSFET Power Limiting Latch-Offon Fault (TPS2421-1) and Retry
(TPS2421-2) Versions SO-8 PowerPad™ Package –40°Cto +125°C Junction Temperature Range UL2367 Recognized- File Number E169910
Applications RAID Arrays Telecommunications Plug-In Circuit Boards Disk Drives SSDs PCIE Fan Control
DescriptionThe TPS2421 device provides highly integrated hot
swap power management and superior protectionin
applications where the loadis poweredby bussesup 20 V. The TPS2421 deviceis well suited to
standard bus voltagesas lowas 3.3V becauseof the
maximum-UV turnon threshold of 2.9 V. These
devices are very effectivein systems wherea voltage
bus must be protected to prevent shorts from
interrupting or damaging the unit. The TPS2421
device is an easy to use devices in an 8-pin
PowerPad™ SO-8 package.
The TPS2421 device has multiple programmable
protection features. Load protectionis accomplisheda non-current limiting fault threshold,a hard
current limit, anda fault timer. The current dual
thresholds allow the system to draw short high
current pulses, while the fault timeris running, without
causinga voltage droopat the load. An exampleof
thisisa disk drive startup. This techniqueis ideal for
loads that experience brief high demand, but benefit
from protection levels in-line with their average
current draw.
Hotswap MOSFET protectionis provided by power
limit circuitry which protects the internal MOSFET
against SOA related failures.
The TPS2421 deviceis availablein latch-off on fault
(TPS2421-1) and retryon fault (TPS2421-2).
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application