TPS22946YZPR ,5.5V, 0.2A, 400m? Selectable Current Limit Load Switch 6-DSBGA -40 to 85Featuresthe TPS22946 operates in a constant-current mode to1• Ultralow Quiescent Current 1μA (Typic ..
TPS22949ADRGR ,4.5V, 0.2A, 350m?, 100mA Current Limit Load Switch 8-SON -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe TPS22949 and TPS22949A are devices that1• Integrated Current Limiterprovi ..
TPS22949YZPR ,4.5V, 0.2A, 350m?, 100mA Current Limit Load Switch 8-DSBGA -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics 712.3 Trademarks..... 237.8 Current Limiter Switching Characteristics... ..
TPS22960DCNR ,5.5V, 0.5A, 435m?, 2-Channel Load Switch with Quick Output Discharge 8-SOT-23 -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics....... 512.1 Community Resources...... 196.6 Switching Characteristics.. ..
TPS22966DPUR ,5.5V, 6A, 16m?, 2-Channel Load Switch with Quick Output Discharge and Adjustable Rise Time 14-WSON -40 to 105 SLVSBH4F–JUNE 2012–REVISED JULY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDPU Package DPU Package14-Pin ..
TPS22980RGPR ,Thunderbolt Host/Peripheral Power Multiplexer 20-QFN -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS• Powered From 3.3V • Notebook Computers• 4.5V to 19.8V High Voltage Switch • ..
TS80L188EB16 , 8-Bit/16-Bit Microcontrollers
TS810CXB RF , Microprocessor Reset Circuit
TS810CXB RF , Microprocessor Reset Circuit
TS81102G0CTP ,DMUX 8-/10-bit 2 GHz 1:4/8Applications: – Stand-alone Delay Adjust Cell for ADCs Sampling Instant Alignment Differential Dat ..
TS81102G0VTP ,DMUX 8-/10-bit 2 GHz 1:4/8Features• Programmable DMUX Ratio:– 1:4: Data Rate Max = 1 Gsps– PD (8b/10b) < 4.3/4.7 W (ECL 50Ω o ..
Ultra-Low Power, Low Input Voltage, Current Limited Load Switch
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TPS22946 Ultralow Power, Low Input Voltage, Current-Limited Load Switch
With Shutoff, Auto-Restart, and Overcurrent Condition Time-OutWhen the switch current reaches the maximum limit,
1 Featuresthe TPS22946 operatesina constant-current modeto Ultralow Quiescent Current1 μA (Typical) prohibit excessive currents from causing damage.at VIN= 1.8V The current limit can be selected using the CL input: Input Voltage Range: 1.62Vto 5.5V a high CL input sets the current limitto 155 mA,a low input sets the current limit to 70 mA, anda• Low ON-Resistance floating CL input sets the current limitto30 mA.– rON= 300 mΩat VIN= 5.5V the constant current condition persists after 10 ms,– rON= 400 mΩat VIN= 3.3V the switchis turnedoff and the fault signal pin (OC)is– rON= 500 mΩat VIN= 2.5V pulled low. The TPS22946 hasan auto-restart feature rON= 600 mΩat VIN= 1.8V which turns the switchon again after 70 msif the ON
pinis still active.If the TPS22946 remainsinan over-• Selectable Minimum Current Limit: current condition for5 seconds, the device shuts off155 mA,70 mA,or30 mA untilitis turned on again by setting the ON control• Integrated Inrush Current Time-out(8 ms) signaloff and then on. Shutdown Current:<1 μA If the deviceis usedto protect an LDO, the inrush• Thermal Shutdown current required by the LDOat startup can,in some Fault Blanking cases, exceed the current limit and initiatea blanking
(current limiting) condition. The TPS22946 provides• Auto Restart allowance for this scenario during startupof the LDO• Overcurrent Condition Time-out (Automatic by temporarily increasing the current limitto 435 mADisable for Permanent Overcurrent) for8 ms after the load switchis enabled. 1.8-V Compatible Control Input The TPS22946is available in space-saving 6-pin• ESD Performance Tested Per JESD22 DSBGA (YZP) package. The deviceis characterized 6000-V Human-Body Model for operation over the free-air temperature rangeof
–40°Cto 85°C.(A114-B, ClassII) Tiny DSGBA Package 1.4 mm× 0.9 mm (YZP)
Device Information(1)2 Applications• Fingerprint Module Protection
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat• Portable Consumer Electronics the endofthe data sheet. Mobile Phones
Typical Application Schematic• Smartphones Notebooks GPS Devices power load switch that to systems and loadsin high- thatVto 5.5V. The (ON), which can signals. The protection that