TPS2147IDGQR ,3.3V LDO + Dual Switch For USB, DSP, And Portable Applications, Active-Low Enableselectrical characteristics over recommended operating junction-temperature range, 2.9 V ≤ V ≤ 5.5 V ..
TPS2148IDGN ,3.3V LDO + Dual Switch For USB Peripherals, Active-Low EnablesFEATURES DESCRIPTION Complete Power Management Solution forThe TPS2148 incorporates two power dist ..
TPS2148IDGNG4 ,3.3V LDO + Dual Switch For USB Peripherals, Active-Low Enables 8-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 85maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)Input voltage range: V ..
TPS2149IDGN ,3.3V LDO + Dual Switch For USB Hubs, Active-Low Enablesmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)Input voltage range: V ..
TPS2149IDGNR ,3.3V LDO + Dual Switch For USB Hubs, Active-Low EnablesFEATURES DESCRIPTION Complete Power Management Solution forThe TPS2149 incorporates two power dist ..
TPS2149IDGNR ,3.3V LDO + Dual Switch For USB Hubs, Active-Low Enableselectrical characteristics over recommended operating junction-temperature range, 2.9 V ≤ V ≤ 5.5 V ..
TS7818CI , 3-Terminal Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator
TS7818CZ , 3-Terminal Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator
TS7818CZ , 3-Terminal Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator
TS7824CZ , 3-Terminal Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator
TS788 ,N- channel Junction FET Electret Condenser MicrophoneFeatures• Especially suited for use in electret condenser microphone.• TS788 is possible to make ap ..
TS78L05ACY RM , 3-Terminal 100mA Positive Voltage Regulator
3.3V LDO + Dual Switch For USB, DSP, And Portable Applications, Active-Low Enables
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FEATURES Two 340-mΩ (Typical) High-Side MOSFETs 200 mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator In
Fixed 3.3-V or Adjustable Versions Independent Thermal- and Short-Circuit
Protection for LDO and Each Switch Overcurrent Indicators With Transient Filter 2.9-V to 5.5-V Operating Range CMOS- and TTL-Compatible Enable Inputs 75-µA (Typical) Supply Current Available in 10-Pin MSOP or 14-Pin TSSOP
(PowerPAD) −40°C to 85°C Ambient Temperature Range
APPLICATIONS USB Hubs and Peripherals
− Keyboards
− Zip Drives
− Speakers and Headsets PDAs and Portable Electronics DSP Power Sequencing
DESCRIPTIONTwo power-distribution switches and an adjustable
(TPS2145) or fixed (TPS2147) LDO are incorporated in
one small package, providing a power management
solution that saves up to 60% in board space over
typical implementations.
Designed to meet USB 2.0 bus-powered hub
requirements, these devices also allow core and I/O
voltage sequencing in DSP applications, or power
segmentation in portable equipment. Each current-
limited switch is a 340-mΩ N-channel MOSFET capable
of supplying 200 mA of continuous current. A logic
enable compatible with 5-V logic and 3-V logic controls
each MOSFET as well as the LDO in the TPS2145. The
internal charge pump provides the gate drive controlling
the power-switch rise times and fall times, minimizing
current surges during switching. The charge pump
requires no external components.
The LDO has a drop-out voltage of only 0.35 V and with
the independent enable on the TPS2145 LDO, the LDO
can be used as an additional switch. The LDO output
range for the TPS2145 is 1 V to 3.3 V, while the
TPS2147 is fixed at 3.3 V.
The TPS2145 and TPS2147 have active-low switch
enables and the TPS2155 and TPS2157 have
active-high switch enables.
LDO and dual switch family selection guide and schematicsPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.