TPC8009-H ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII) High Speed and High Efficiency DC-DC Converters Notebook PC Applications Portable Equipment Applications
TPC8009-H ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII) High Speed and High Efficiency DC-DC Converters Notebook PC Applications Portable Equipment Applications
TPC8009-H ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII) High Speed and High Efficiency DC-DC Converters Notebook PC Applications Portable Equipment Applications
TPC8009-H ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII) High Speed and High Efficiency DC-DC Converters Notebook PC Applications Portable Equipment Applications
TPC8009-H ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII) High Speed and High Efficiency DC-DC Converters Notebook PC Applications Portable Equipment Applications
TPC8010H ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII) DC-DC Converters Notebook PC Applications Portable Equipment Applications
TRS3227IDBR ,3-V to 5.5-V Single-Channel RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver With +/-15-kV ESD Protection 16-SSOP -40 to 85SLLS821–JULY 2007TERMINAL FUNCTIONSTERMINALDESCRIPTIONNAME NO.C1+ 2 Positive terminal of voltage-do ..
TRS3232CDBR ,3-V to 5.5-V Multichannel RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver With +/-15-kV ESD Protection 16-SSOP 0 to 70Electrical Characteristics—Receiver....... 512.2 Trademarks..... 136.8 Switching Characteristics... ..
TRS3232CDWR ,3-V to 5.5-V Multichannel RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver With +/-15-kV ESD Protection 16-SOIC 0 to 70 SLLS812A–JULY 2007–REVISED JUNE 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, DB, DW, PW Packages16-Pin ..
TRS3232CPW ,3-V to 5.5-V Multichannel RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver With +/-15-kV ESD Protection 16-TSSOP 0 to 70Features 3 DescriptionThe TRS3232 device consists of two line drivers, two1• RS-232 Bus-Terminal ES ..
TRS3232ECDBR ,3-V to 5.5-V Multichannel RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver With +/-15-kV ESD Protection 16-SSOP 0 to 70 SLLS790B–JUNE 2007–REVISED OCTOBER 20175 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, DW, DB or PW Package16- ..
Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII) High Speed and High Efficiency DC-DC Converters Notebook PC Applications Portable Equipment Applications
TPC8009-H TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (High speed U-MOSIII)
TPC8009-H High Speed and High Efficiency DC-DC Converters
Notebook PC Applications
Portable Equipment Applications Small footprint due to small and thin package High speed switching Small gate charge: Qg = 29 nC (typ.) Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON) = 8 mΩ (typ.) High forward transfer admittance: |Yfs| = 16 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 10 µA (max) (VDS = 30 V) Enhancement mode: Vth = 1.1 to 2.3 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA)
Maximum Ratings (Ta ��� � 25°C) Tstg
Note: (Note 1), (Note 2), (Note 3), (Note 4) Please see next page.
This transistor is an electrostatic sensitive device. Please handle with
Unit: mm
Weight: 0.080 g (typ.)
Circuit Configuration 8 6
1 2 3 5