TPC6601 ,Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type High-Speed Switching Applications DC-DC Converter Applications
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TRS232EIDWR ,Dual RS-232 Driver/Receiver With IEC61000-4-2 Protection 16-SOIC -40 to 85 . SLLS791C–JUNE 2007–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008DUAL RS-232 DRIVER/RECEIVERWITH IEC61000-4-2 PROTECTION1
TRS232EIN ,Dual RS-232 Driver/Receiver With IEC61000-4-2 Protection 16-PDIP -40 to 85maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functi ..
TRS232EIPW ,Dual RS-232 Driver/Receiver With IEC61000-4-2 Protection 16-TSSOP -40 to 85.FUNCTION TABLESABC(1)Each DriverINPUT OUTPUTDIN DOUTL HH L(1) H = high level, L = low level(1)Each ..
TRS232EIPWR ,Dual RS-232 Driver/Receiver With IEC61000-4-2 Protection 16-TSSOP -40 to 85maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functi ..
TRS232IN ,Dual RS-232 Driver/Receiver With IEC61000-4-2 Protection 16-PDIP -40 to 85ORDERING INFORMATION(1)(2)T PACKAGE ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKINGAPDIP – N Tube of 25 TRS2 ..
TRS3221CDBR ,3-V to 5.5-V Single-Channel RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver With +/-15-kV ESD Protection 16-SSOP 0 to 70Features 3 DescriptionThe TRS3221 device consists of one line driver, one1• RS-232 Bus-Pin ESD Prot ..
Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type High-Speed Switching Applications DC-DC Converter Applications
TPC6601 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type
TPC6601 High-Speed Switching Applications
DC-DC Converter Applications High DC current gain: hFE = 200 to 500 (IC = −0.3 A) Low collector-emitter saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = −0.2 V (max) High-speed switching: tf = 90 ns (typ.)
Maximum Ratings (Ta ��� � 25°C)
Note: Mounted on FR4 board (glass epoxy, 1.6 mm thick, Cu area:
645 mm2)
Electrical Characteristics (Ta ��� � 25°C)
See Figure 1 circuit diagram.
Unit: mm
Weight: 0.011 g (typ.)