TPA731DR ,Mono, Differential Input, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Active High Shutdown SLOS315B − JUNE 2000 − REVISED ..
TPA731DRG4 ,700-mW Mono, Differential Input, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Active High Shutdown 8-SOIC -40 to 85features a shutdown mode for power-sensitive applications with a supply current of 1.5 nA during sh ..
TPA741 ,700-mW Low-Voltage Audio Power Amp with differential inputsfeatures ashutdown mode for power-sensitive applications withD OR DGN PACKAGEa supply current of 7 ..
TPA741D ,Mono, Differential Input, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Active High Shutdown, and Depopmaximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functi ..
TPA741DGN ,Mono, Differential Input, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Active High Shutdown, and DepopELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSat specified free-air temperature, V = 3.3 V, T = 25°C (unless otherwise ..
TPA741DGNR ,Mono, Differential Input, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Active High Shutdown, and DepopFEATURES DESCRIPTION• Fully Specified for 3.3-V and 5-V OperationThe TPA741 is a bridge-tied load ( ..
TRR1A05S00D , Miniature, cost-efective switching solution,,state of the art capsule designs
TRR1A05S00D , Miniature, cost-efective switching solution,,state of the art capsule designs
TRR1B05D00D , Miniature, cost-efective switching solution,,state of the art capsule designs
TRR1B05D00D , Miniature, cost-efective switching solution,,state of the art capsule designs
TRS202ECDRG4 ,5-V Dual RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver With +/-15 kV ESD Protection 16-SOIC 0 to 70Maximum Ratings(1)(2)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT ..
700-mW Low-Voltage Audio Power Amp with differential inputs
− 250 mW at VDD = 3.3 V Ultralow Supply Current in Shutdown
Mode... 1.5 nA Thermal and Short-Circuit Protection Surface-Mount Packaging
descriptionThe TPA731 is a bridge-tied load (BTL) audio power amplifier developed especially for low-voltage applications
where internal speakers are required. Operating with a 3.3-V supply, the TPA731 can deliver 250-mW of
continuous power into a BTL 8-Ω load at less than 0.6% THD+N throughout voice band frequencies. Although
this device is characterized out to 20 kHz, its operation is optimized for narrower band applications such as
wireless communications. The BTL configuration eliminates the need for external coupling capacitors on the
output in most applications, which is particularly important for small battery-powered equipment. This device
features a shutdown mode for power-sensitive applications with a supply current of 1.5 nA during shutdown.
The TPA731 is available in an 8-pin SOIC surface-mount package and the surface-mount PowerPAD MSOP,
which reduces board space by 50% and height by 40%.
From System ControlIN−O+