TPA6101A2ZQYR ,50-mW Ultra Low-Voltage, Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier with Fixed Gain (2dB) 15-BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR -40 to 85maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TPA6102A2D ,Ultra Low Voltage, Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier with Fixed Gain (14dB)maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TPA6102A2DG4 ,50-mW Ultra Low-Voltage, Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier with Fixed Gain (14dB) 8-SOIC -40 to 85 SLOS324B − JUNE 2000 − ..
TPA6102A2DGK ,Ultra Low Voltage, Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier with Fixed Gain (14dB)electrical characteristics at T = 25°C, V = 3.6 V (unless otherwise noted)A DDPARAMETER TEST CONDIT ..
TPA6102A2DGKR ,Ultra Low Voltage, Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier with Fixed Gain (14dB)maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage, V . . . ..
TPA6110A2DGN ,Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier, Pin Compatible with LM4881FEATURES• Surface-Mount Packaging– PowerPAD™ MSOP2• 150 mW Stereo Output• Pin Compatible With LM488 ..
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50-mW Ultra-Low Voltage Audio Power Amp
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
Low Shutdown Current ...50 nA Gain Set Internally to 2 dB Pop Reduction Circuitry Internal Mid-Rail Generation Thermal and Short-Circuit Protection Surface-Mount Packaging
− 3-mm � 5-mm MSOP Package (DGN)
− 5-mm � 6-mm SOIC Package (D)
− 2,5-mm � 2,5-mm MicroStar Junior� BGA
Package (ZQY)
descriptionThe TPA6101A2 is a stereo audio power amplifier packaged in an 8-pin SOIC package, an 8-pin MSOP
package, or a 15-ball BGA package, capable of delivering 50 mW of continuous RMS power per channel into
16-Ω loads. Amplifier gain is internally set to 2 dB (inverting) to save board space by eliminating six external
The TPA6101A2 is optimized for battery applications because of its low supply current, shutdown current, and
THD+N. To obtain the low-supply-voltage range, the TPA6101A2 biases BYPASS to VDD/4.
When driving a 16-Ω load with 40-mW output power from 3.3 V, THD+N is 0.08% at 1 kHz, and less than 0.2%
across the audio band of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. For 30 mW into 32-Ω loads, the THD+N is reduced to less than 0.06%
at 1 kHz, and is less than 0.3% across the audio band of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
typical application circuit
From Shutdown
Control CircuitNOTE: All internal resistor
values are ±20%.
MicroStar BGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments.