TPA6010A4PWPR ,Stereo Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Stereo Headphone Drive, Volume Control and Bass BoostSLOS268B–JUNE 2000–REVISED AUGUST 2004These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads ..
TPA6011A4PWP ,Stereo, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Volume Control and Stereo Headphone DriveFEATURES DESCRIPTION• Advanced DC Volume Control With 2-dBThe TPA6011A4 is a stereo audio power amp ..
TPA6011A4PWPG4 ,Stereo, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Volume Control and Stereo Headphone Drive 24-HTSSOP -40 to 85SLOS392A–FEBRUARY 2002–REVISED JULY 20043-W STEREO AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIERWITH ADVANCED DC VOLUME CON ..
TPA6011A4PWPR ,Stereo, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Volume Control and Stereo Headphone DriveELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = 25°C, V = PV = 5.5 V (unless otherwise noted)A DD DDPARAMETER TEST CO ..
TPA6011A4PWPRG4 ,Stereo, Class-AB Audio Amplifier with Volume Control and Stereo Headphone Drive 24-HTSSOP -40 to 85SLOS392A–FEBRUARY 2002–REVISED JULY 2004AVAILABLE OPTIONSPACKAGETA(1)24-PIN TSSOP (PWP)40°C to 85°C ..
TPA6017A2PWP ,Stereo, Cost Effective, Class-AB Audio Amplifierfeatures. Low Supply Current ... 6-mA TypicalAmplifier gain is internally configured and controlle ..
TRF370315IRGER ,350 MHz to 4.0 GHz Quadrature Modulator, 1.5V common-mode voltage 24-VQFN -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOver operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted).PARAME ..
TRF370315IRGER ,350 MHz to 4.0 GHz Quadrature Modulator, 1.5V common-mode voltage 24-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS2• 75-dBc Single-Carrier WCDMA ACPR• Cellular Base Transceiver Station Transmi ..
TRF370315-IRGER ,350 MHz to 4.0 GHz Quadrature Modulator, 1.5V common-mode voltage 24-VQFN -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
TRF370315IRGET ,350 MHz to 4.0 GHz Quadrature Modulator, 1.5V common-mode voltage 24-VQFN -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOver recommended operating conditions, power supply = 5 V, T = 25°C, f = ..
2-W Stereo Audio Power Amp with Bass Boost and DC Volume Control
TPA6010A4 www.ti.com SLOS268B–JUNE 2000–REVISED AUGUST 2004 STEREO 2.7-W AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER WITH BASS BOOST AND DC VOLUME CONTROL FEATURES PWP PACKAGE • Compatible With PC 99 Desktop Line-Out Into (TOP VIEW) 10-kΩ Load 1 28 GND LOUT+ • Compatible With PC 99 Portable Into 8-Ω Load 2 27 LOUT− CLK • Internal Gain Control, Which Eliminates 3 26 BBENABLE LDOCKOUT External Gain-Setting Resistors 4 25 BYPASS PV DD • DC Volume and Gain Control Adjustable From 5 24 LIN BUFFGAIN 34 dB to -86 dB 6 23 LHPIN VOLUME 7 22 LLINEIN V • Bass Boost DD 8 21 PC-BEEP BBIN • Buffered Docking Station Outputs 9 20 RLINEIN BBOUT • 2.7-W/Ch Output Power Into 3-Ω Load RHPIN 10 19 PV DD • PC-Beep Input RIN 11 18 RDOCKOUT 12 17 SHUTDOWN SE/BTL • Depop Circuitry HP/LINE 13 16 ROUT+ • Stereo Input MUX 14 15 ROUT− GND • Fully Differential Input • Low Supply Current and Shutdown Current • Surface-Mount Power Packaging 28-Pin TSSOP PowerPAD™ DESCRIPTION The TPA6010A4 is a stereo audio power amplifier in a 28-pin TSSOP thermally enhanced package capable of delivering 2.7 W of continuous RMS output power into 3-Ω loads. When driving 1 W into 8-Ω speakers, the TPA6010A4 has less than 0.22% THD+N across its specified frequency range. The TPA6010A4 has several features optimized for notebook PCs including bass boost, docking station outputs, dc volume control, and dc gain control. The TPA6010A4 has a buffer and volume control gain stage that are set by dc voltages. The buffer has a differential input and a differential output. The gain of the buffer, which is controlled by the dc voltage on the BUFFGAIN terminal, is adjustable from -46 dB to 14 dB. The docking station output is 6 dB lower than the buffer gain because the buffer has a differential output and the docking station output is taken from just one of the buffer outputs. The volume control amplifier is adjustable from -34 dB to 20 dB in BTL mode and is 6 dB lower in SE mode. The volume control stage is adjustable by dc voltage on the VOLUME terminal. The amplifier gain from input-to-speaker is the sum of the volume control and the buffer gain. The input-to-speaker gain is adjustable from -86 dB to 34 dB in BTL mode and -92 dB to 28 dB in the SE mode. The bass boost of the amplifier sums the right and left inputs, adds gain, filters out the high frequencies, and then adds the bass boost signal back into the output power amplifier. The frequency of the bass boost is adjusted by adding an RC filter from BBOUT to BBIN. The gain of the bass boost is set to 12 dB if the same bass is present in both the right and left channels. If the bass is present in just one of the channels, the gain of the bass is set to 9.5 dB. The gain can be reduced by adding a voltage divider from BBIN to BBOUT. If not using the bass boost, pull the BBENABLE pin low. Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Copyright © 2000–2004, Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.