TP3204N ,+/-5 V, SLIC-MC magnetic compensation SLICGeneral Description
The TP3200 and TP3204 are monolithic Bipolar integrated
circuits intended f ..
TP337A , Thermopile Infrared Sensor
TP3404V ,Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops (QDASL)Electrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise specified, limits printed in BOLD characters are guarant ..
TP3404V/NOPB ,Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops (QDASL) 28-PLCC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Unless otherwise specified, limits printed in BOLD characters ..
TP3406N ,DASL Digital Adapter for Subscriber LoopsFeaturesThe TP3406 is a complete monolithic transceiver for data Complete ISDN PBX 2-Wire Data Tran ..
TP3406V ,DASL Digital Adapter for Subscriber LoopsTP3406DASLDigitalAdapterforSubscriberLoopsNovember1992TP3406DASLDigitalAdapterforSubscriberLoopsGen ..
TQ5635 , 3 V PCS LNA/Mixer Receiver IC
TQ5M31 , 3V Downconverter Mixer IC
TQ5M31 , 3V Downconverter Mixer IC
TQ8106 , SONET/SDH Transceivers
TQ8106 , SONET/SDH Transceivers
TQ8223 , Device Qualification
+/-5 V, SLIC-MC magnetic compensation SLIC
TP3200, TP3204 SLIC-MC
Magnetic Compensation SLICs
General Description
The TP3200 and TP3204 are monolithic Bipolar integrated
circuits intended for use on subscriber and trunk interface
cards of digital PABX and central office equipment. Each
device contains a magnetic compensation circuit, a supervi-
sion circuit and three relay drivers with latched inputs.
The magnetic compensation circuit allows the use of a
small, low cost line transformer by measuring the loop cur-
rent, and producing an output current proportional to the
d.c. value of the loop current. This output current is passed
through a winding of the line transformer in such a way as to
cancel the d.c. component of the magnetic flux. Thus the
transformer may be wound on a small ferrite core without an
air gap.
The supervision output is used to detect off-hook, replicate
dial pulses and terminate ringing on detection of ring-trip.
One of the three relay drivers is dedicated to the ring func-
tion, the other two are genera) purpose. TP3200 has PNP
relay drivers, while the TP3204 has NPN relay drivers.
F eatures
n Magnetic Compensation Circuit allows the use of low
cost ferrite core transformers
Supervision Circuitry provides hook-switch detect, ring-
trip detect and dial pulse replication
Ring relay driver synchronized to zero-crossings
Automatic ring-trip circuit-TP3200, TP3204
Three Latched relay drivers
-48 Volt relay drhters-TP3200
+ 5 Volt relay tirivetty-TP3204
Requires only iSV supplies
Thermal shutdown protection
Power-Up reset on relay driver latches
Simplified Block Diagrams
P) T-NVNe- -lo
A1 r-NV".
Pl Te-Ne, - * A2
J -sof'
mm; 9% i) R0
RSYNC - c - c -ttyR
RC1 o o
- c --ttyt
P) R.--NW-
CAPZ- . ----- RING
( TP3200 TRIP
R02 D 0
hx tmo v53
P) T ---MN-- -lc
A1 r.,,,,d,.
(') T+--W. - . A2
( ) R -MN- I l -yc
P) R -MAr---
CAP? m H .-$08
RING n it o u R o t,
RSYNC - c - c
RC1 n o
R02 o o
o-. c .
EN -="'"
vcc sun hr,
TP3200, TP3204
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Mllltary/Aerospace specified devlces are required,
please contact the Natlonal Semiconductor Sales
OmCefDlstrlbutors for availability and specifications.
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Vcc w.r.t. GND
V53 w.r.t. GND
VCC w.r.t. VBB
V10 w.r.t. GND
-25''C to + 85''C
-65% to + 150°C
Vny w.r.t. GND (TP3200) - 70V
ng w.r.t. GND (T P3204) 20V
Voltage at Sensing Inputs 300 Vpeak
T+, T-, R+, R-,wtt. GND (continuous)
T+, T-, R +, R- (FCC 68,302/d) 1000V (surge)
lav (TP3200) - 50 mA
lay (T P3204) 120 mA
Power Dissipation (Note 1) 1.5W
ESD (Note 2) 2 kV
Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, Limits printed in bold characters are guaranteed for
Vcc = + 5.0V, Vim = -5.0V :5% and TA = 0°C to 70°C by correlation with 100% production testing at TA = 25'C. All other
limits are assured by correlation with other production tests and/or product design and characterization. Typical values are
measured at Vcc = +5.OV, V33 = -5.OV, and TA = 25'C.
Symbol I Parameter Condltlons I Mln I Typ I Max I Unlta
RIN Input Resistance T+, T-, R+, R- 200 m
Vos Offset Voltage at " ILOOP = 0 mA, Rs'--- 1000 -
VBAT = --48V, VC Open. so + ao mV
AV Differential Voltage Gain RL= 1500, Rs ara 100, Measure from T+ , T-,
PH and R- to vc, |Loop=10-100 mA O.NAT o."tt WV
k; Maximum Compensation The Output Current is Nominally
Current Given by l/c/RL, Where RL is 25 mA
Connected from VC to GND.
Ro Output Resistance Measure at CAP1 80 100 1 " ktt
VICSat Saturation Voltage at IC Ic-- 20 mA. Measure from VC to IC. -0.3 - 1.5 V
RIC 10 Output Impedance BL: 150n, f=1 kHz, lc = 10 mA 2 Mn
lc = 20 mA 300 Kn
N Idle Noise IC--- 20 mA, RL =1500
Connect t500f1 from 0 1 o dBmC
ICto VSAT, Measure at IC.
Io Ring-Trip Current Source At CAP2 10 pA
IR Ring-Trip Threshhold CAP2= 0.1 pF, f--- 20 Hz, Rs=1oon 12 mA
I + Off-hook Positive Rs-- too. Increase Loop Current
Threshold until SUP Switches low. 1 1 13 1 5 mA
H Off-hook Hysteresis Fis= 100. Decrease Loop Current from I + 2 m A
until SUP Switches High.
VRYsat Relay Driver Saturation TP3200, IRY = 30 mA - 2.2 V
Voltage TP3204, IRY = 80 mA 1 V
VOL Output Low Level 'OL= 1.6 mA 0.4 V
VOH Output High Level IOH = 0.1 mA 4 V
" Input Low Level 0.1 V
" Input High Level 2 V
I. Input Current 0.7
loco Vcc Supply RL=1500, ns=1oon 3 a 5 mA
IDLE Current lLoop = 0 mA, All Relays Off .
IBBO VBB Supply RL---150n, Rs=1000, lLooP---0 mA 2 5 a mA
IDLE Current All Relays Off. '
Icc1 VCC Supply RL=1500. Rs=1009 3 q T mA
Active Current lLoop = 40 mA, lay = 10 mA .
IBB1 VBB Supply HL=150IL Hs=1009
Active Current |Loop= 40 mA, Igy=10 mA 2.5 " mA
PSRR + Povyer Supply Reiection AVc/Avcc. f=1 kHz, CAP1 = 1 p.F ~60 -80 dB
PSRR - Ratio AVc/AVBB, f=1 kHz, CAP1 = 1 " - " - so dB
Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, Limits printed in bold characters are guaranteed for
Vcc = + 5.0V, VBB = --5.0V 15% and TA = O°Cto 70°C by correlation with 100% productiontesting at TA = 25'C. All other
limits are assured by correlation with other production tests and/ or product design and characterization. Typical values are
measured at Vcc -- +5.0V, VBB = -5.OV, and TA = 25°C.
Symbol I Parameter I Conditions I Min I Typ I Max I Units
tSRE Stat-up Time Measure from RING, or RC1, 1 s
RC2 Valid to EN Falling Edge. "
tHER Hold Time Measure from EN Falling Edge 1
to RING, RCI, or RC2 Invalid. "5
tWEN Input Pulse Active High
twns Width EN 2 p8
RSYNC a p.s
tDEy RYI, RY2 Drivers Measure from En Active and
Delay Time RC1, RC2, Valid to RY1, RY2 20 us
On or Off. lay (on) = 10 mA,
IRY (off) = 0.1 mA
tDFtY RYR Driver Measure from RSYNC Rising
Delay Time Edge to RYR On or Off. 20 s
IRYR (on) = 10 mA, "
IRYR (off) = 0.1 mA
tHs Off-Hook Measure from ILOOp = 20 mA 2 5 s
Detection Time to SUP Transition from High to Low. . Ji
tn Ring-Trip Measure from ILOOP = 20 mA to,
Detection Time RYFI Ott, CAP2 = 0.1 pF, 150 ms
f = 20 Hz, IRYH (on) = 10 mA,
lava (off) = 0.1 mA
Note I: Derate based on 150°C maximum junction temperature and thermal resistance of 8UC/W, junction to ambient.
Note 2: Device pins T + ' T -, n +, H - are not guaranteed to meet the NSC standard requirement for ESD protection of 2000V. The functional requirements in the
intended application prohibit the use of any additional components on chip for ESD protection. Maximum surge voltage for these pins is greater than 100W.
measured in accordance with FCC 68, 302/d.
Timing Diagram
EN / N
TP3200, TP3204
Connection Diagrams
R . - 1 22 -T -
R - - 2 21 - '
IC- 3 20 -iltmo
NC- 4 19 -GNO
hm - 5 13 -CAP2
VC- 6 TP3200 17 "-Rtit
cm - 7 16 -ecc
SUP --t a 15 - RYI
RSOC- 9 14 -02
Rltlt9- IO 13 -RC2
EN - 11 12 "-RCI
Top VIew
Order Number TP3200N
See NS Package Number N22A
Description of Pin Functions
Tip positive voltage sense input connected to
the positive (GN D) side of the Tip current sense
Tip negative voltage sense input connected to
the negative (line) side of the Tip current sense
Battery ground return for the relay drivers. This
ground should be connected in such a way as
to minimize noise due to retay switching and
also to avoid large voltage transients in the
presence of lightning. Preferably it should be
connected to GND on the backplane.
Ring negative voltage sense input connected to
the negative (VBAT) side of the Ring current
sense resistor.
Ring positive voltage sense input connected to
the positive (line) side of the Ring current sense
--5 volts fc 5%
Compensation current output. The current
sourced by this output is proportional to the d.c.
loop current flowing through the line transform-
er. By passing this current through an auxiliary
winding of appropriate winding ratio, the aver-
age magnetic flux in the transformer core can
be cancelled.
External capacitor input required to filter voice
frequency components from the loop current.
R ' - 1 20 .-T -
R - - 2 19 "-t .
IC- 3 18 pcuo
virir- 4 17 -ChP2
YC- 5 1s -ftytt
cm - s TP3204 15 -Vcc
SOP- 7 14 -tltt
itsrtl0- a 13 .-.02
RING- ' 12 -flC2
EN- 10 It -RCI
Top VIew
Order Number TP3204N
See NS Package Number N20A
External capacitor input required to ptsrform
charging and discharging by lo for one cyclts of
ring frequency in order to perform the ring-trip
Compensation voltage output. The output volt.
age at this pin is proportional to the d.c. loop
current flowing through the line transformer. An
external resistor RL connected from VC to GND
causes a current to flow from IC which is in turn
proportional to the dc. loop current.
Analog ground.
+ 5 volts l 5%
Supervision output indicating off-hook, Dial
Pulse and Ring Trip status.
Enable input. The RING, RC1 and RC2 inputs
are gated in during the high state of EN and
latched on the falling edge.
General purpose relay control input 1, used to
turn on or off relay driver 1 (RY1) when enabled
by EN.
General purpose relay control input 2 used to
tum on or off relay driver 2 (RY2) when enabled
by EN.
Ring command input used to turn on or off the
ring relay driver when enabled by EN.
Description of Pin
Functions (Continued)
Name Function
RSYNC Ring Synchronization input used to synchronize
the opening and closing of the ring relay with
zero crossings of the ring signal, Ltr., the mini-
mum voltage across the relay contacts. RSYNC
should nominally be a square wave generated
by a zero crossing detector from the ringing sig-
nal, and should have the same frequency as the
ringing signal.
RYR Ring relay driver output.
RY1 General purpose relay driver output 1.
RY2 General purpose relay driver output 2.
Functional Description
The magnetic compensation circuit measures the loop cur-
rent by sensing the voltage across two matched battery
teed resistors, RS, using a high impedance thin film resistor
bridge, and produces a voltage proportional to the instanta-
neous loop current at the output of the OpAmp, A1. This
voltage is filtered by the external capacitor CAP1. The out-
put voltage follower A2 and output transistor Q1 then repro-
duce this voltage at the VC output. Capacitor CAP1 is se-
lected such that the voice frequency components of the
loop current are attenuated enough to prevent the compen-
sation current from affecting the subscriber circuit output
impedance. A resistor FlL connected from VC to GND caus-
es a current Vc/RL to flow from the IC output. This output is
connected to an auxiliary winding on the line transformer.
By proper selection of resistor ratios and transformer wind-
ing ratios, the current lo can exactly cancel the flux pro-
duced by the d.c, component of the loop current. The equa-
tion relating these parameters is:
The supervision circuit consists of a loop current compara-
tor with built-in hysteresis. The input of the supervision cir-
cuit is taken from the output of the Op Amp A1. The voltage
at this point represents the instantaneous loop current. The
output is the SUP output. During on-hook operation SUP is
high. When the loop current increases beyond approximate-
ly 13 mA the SUP output goes low, indicating off-hook.
When the loop current falls below approximately 11 mA
SUP will go high indicating on-hook. In the presence of
dial pulses, SUP will produce a square-wave replication of
the dial pulses. During ringing, the comparator will detect
the instantaneous ringing current through the loop, causing
SUP to produce a square-wave with a mark-to-space ratio
larger than 50% during the on-hook condition. When the
telephone goes otf-hook. the resultant dc loop current caus-
es the mark-to-space ratio to decrease until the threshhold
is reached when the duty cycle of SUP output is exactly
50%. This change in duty cycle can easily be detected digi-
tally and the ringing terminated. This is the most flexible
form of ring trip since it is frequency independent and is
compatible with multi-frequency ringing. A second method
of ring trip is described in the next section.
FIGURE 2. Supervision Circuit
Rs V .
BGND - ‘Nr AM.
J, c N
Rs Rr FT .5
vm ANr MN
it'..,-..,., C
d a? O
----- .-.---o g
FIGURE 1. Magnetic Compensation Cireult-Slmplifled Diagram
TP3200, TP3204
Functional Description (Continued)
The ring trip circuit takes its input from the output of AI,
which represents the combination of instantaneous ringing
current and DC off-hook loop current, if any. A1 output volt-
age is compared against a reference voltage at A4. De-
pending on the polarity of the comparator’s output, current
source Io either sources or sinks 10 pA into CAP2. This
results in the charging and discharging of CAP2. Each posi-
tive transition of RSYNC enables comparator A5 for approx-
imately 20 [1.5 through the one-shot circuit, after which CAP2
is discharged via Q2. Thus, the resulting voltage on CAP2
after one ring cycle indicates the average DC Component of
the loop current. When the threshold of approximately 12
mA is reached, comparator A5 generates a pulse output at
HT which is used to reset the ring driver flip-flop at approxi-
mately the zero crossing of the ringing signal.
if multiple ring frequencies must be used on the same line,
then a compromise capacitor value for CAP2 must be used.
A 0.1 pF value is recommended for ringing frequencies of
16 Hz to 40 Hz, and 0.033 pF for 30 Hz to 70 Hz. Altemate-
ly, if SUP output is used to perform ring trip detect external-
ly, CAP2 input should be grounded.
I"""-") cm
FIGURE 3. Ring Trip Circuit
The ring relay driver consists of the ring trip latch, a ring
relay flip-flop and a relay driver output transistor. Based on
the state of the ring input, the ring-trip latch is set or cleared
when EN is active high, and latched on the falling edge of
EN. It is also cleared by the ring trip circuit. Based on the
output of the ring-trip latch, the ring relay tlip-flop is set or
cleared on the positive transition of RSYNC, insuring that
the ring relay is turned on or off near the zero crossing of
the ring signal to minimize relay contact wear. After the ring
relay driver is turned on, the RING and/or EN inputs should
be kept at logic low in order to prevent relay chattering.
t RT I
', from fig. 3 ''
I R R I _L.
RING+D o t) ub LEVEL " ', T
', D-LATCH DF/F ''
FIGURE 4. Ring Trip Relay Driver (PNP-type)
The general purpose relay drivers consist of a relay driver
latch and relay driver output transistor. Depending on the
state of the appropriate input RCI or RC2, the relay driver
latches are set or cieared when EN is active high, and
latched on the falling edge of EN. On the TP3200 the relay
driver pnp transistors operate between BGND and a nega-
tive supply as high as -70 volts, with relay currents as high
as 30 mA. On the TP3204, the relay driver npn transistors
operate with a positive supply voltage up to 20 volts.
FIGURE 5. Relay Drivers RY1 and RY2, (PNP-type)
Rs=100 RF=100 N'P
FTit,iii,f -MN- "'
GEN 2,2 M
I93 250v F
- 48 y Rs=100 Rr=l oo
mm: 1 --_.. Ni
I , I 820
"c cr - 48 v (har)
p T 638 to tht
1- CAPt IC T
T . YC
R - "L
tt . wszoo tlio IX
"tyt m CONTROL
m R02 A---
Erlrq--- smoa:
CAPZ a= CAP2 o a n: 3
(m MOE J' E ' g SOP---) SOP
' sv-----:)---'
, rr-',;
FIGURE 6. Typical Applicatlons Schematic
Note 1: Resistors Rs, R; are matched to within t0.1% to echleve 60 dB longitudinal balance.
Note 2: Transformer sptmitieations for 600n Line Impedance. 5:1 cancellation ratio, A, = HI = 3000.
primary windings N, 210T AWG 36
secondary windings Ns 2x220T AWG as
compensation winding Nc; 2100T AWG 42
Siemens Type RM 8-T35 core (AL = 8400 nHtT2)
Applications Information
Figure 6 illustrates the use of the TP3200/02/04 in one of
many possible configurations. In this application, 200 ohm
feed resistors (Rs + Rs) are used with a fixed -48 volt
battery feed. 100 ohm current sense resistors in series with
additional 100 ohm resistors insure that the T and H sense
inputs of the device never see more than one half of any
line transient voltages. The two general purpose relay driv-
ers are used to operate a line test relay and a battery rever-
sal relay. The ac. line termination impedance is set by resis-
tors Ri and 20 (which should be equal to properly balance
the hybrid), and the square of the turns ratio of the trans-
former, (2Np/Ns)2. The two amplifiers on the secondary
side of the transformer am normally part of the PCM filter
such as the TP3040, or the TP3050, TP3060, or TP3070
series of COMBOTM Codec/Filters. Zbal represents the line
circuit balance network. It is recommended that the IC pin
be connected to the finish of the compensation winding in
order to reduce the effective loading of the line impedance
as well as Zba. due to the reflected capacitance from the
compensation winding at IC.
Ring voltage insertion is accomplished by breaking the bat-
tery feed path and superimposing the a.c. voltage upon the
battery voltage. To prevent the feed decoupling capacitor
from shunting ring current, a break contact is placed irts+
ries with CF. To prevent the line transformer primary wind-
ings from attenuating the ring voltage or introducing distor-
tion, make contacts are connected in shunt with the trans-
former primary.
Each relay driver output must be protected by a diode con-
nected ciose to the relay coil. The IC pin must also be pro-
tected against line transients coupled through the trans-
former. Standard secondary transient suppression must
also be connected from Tip to GND and Ring to GND.
In order to minimize errors in flux cancellation, the ratio of
resistors Rs and RL must be carefully controlled. Normally,
all would reside on a common hybrid circuit. The two resis-
tors, Rs, must be very accurately matched as must the two
resistors, RF, although RF need not match Rs.
TP3200, TP3204
Application Information (Continued)
The a.c. loop voltage will appear at IC, amplified by the ratio
Nc/(ZNp). A d.c. bias voltage must be provided which is
sufficiently negative to prevent the compensation transistor
from saturating without producing excessive power dissipa-
tion in the integrated circuit. This bias voltage can be an
intermediate supply voltage or may be generated by the
compensation current flowing through a resistance. The re-
sistance may be made up of the transformer winding resist-
ance and discrete resistances such as the filter resistor
shown in Figure 6. It the bias voltage is generated by an IR
drop, a higher supply voltage or lower compensation current
ratio will be required to allow for large variations in loop
current, resulting in higher circuit power dissipation.
Design Example
Assuming a 0 TLP on the line of 0 dBm into 6000, a 3 dB
overload corresponds to a peak signal level of 1.55 volts.
The peak a.c. voltage at IC is therefore 1.55N, where
N=Nc/(2Np). At minimum loop current, the d.c. bias at IC
must be sufficiently positive of the zener voltage to allow
negative swings without clipping. Allowing for the winding
resistance and reactance, a safe limit is:
96' 'LOOP (min)/N > 1.55N - V2 min + IVBATlmax (1)
where V2 is the zener voltage, RC is the total resistance
from IC to VBAT.
At the opposite extreme, the compensation transistor must
not saturate with maximum loop current and positive peak
swings. This corresponds to a voltage at IC of not less than
-VICsat + VC = 1.5 + ILOOP (max) . 2Rs . AV.
Thus we require:
IVBATI (min) > RC0 ILoop(rnax)/N + 1.55N - VICSAT
+ ILoommévd . 2Rs . Av (2)
Substituting for RC,
Ivmkmin) > (1.55N - V2min + 'VBATImax)
o ILOOp(max)/lLoop(min) + 1.55N + 1.5 + 30lLoop(max)
Thus for a minimum loop current of 20 mA and a maximum
of 100 mA, with a minimum zener voltage of 58 volts, and
battery voltage from -42V to -54V, the maximum com-
pensation current ratio is 6.18:1.
If N = 5 is chosen, i.e. NC == 10 Np, the allowable range for
RC can then be calculated. From 1), Rc > 9380., and from
2), Fig < 1467n. Since the resistance of the compensation
winding may typically be 6000. an additional 820n can
safely be added in series to form a high frequency filter on
the battery supply.
Finally, from Np/Nc = AV q Rs/RL, RL = 1500.
Further Information
For additional information on design of suitable transform-
ers see National Semiconductor Application Note AN-439.
For information on the design of matched attenuators suit-
able for setting Receive TLP levels, see the data sheet
"TP3052 Family of COMBOTM Devices".
This datasheet has been :
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
TP3204N - product/tp3204n?HQS=T|-nu|l-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
TP3200N - product/tp3200n?HQS=T|-nu|l-nuII-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe