TP3155N ,Time Slot Assignment CircuitTP3155TimeSlotAssignmentCircuitSeptember1993TP3155TimeSlotAssignmentCircuitGeneralDescription
TP3155V ,Time Slot Assignment CircuitTP3155TimeSlotAssignmentCircuitSeptember1993TP3155TimeSlotAssignmentCircuitGeneralDescription
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Time Slot Assignment Circuit
September 1993
TP3155 Time Slot Assignment Circuit
General Description
The TP3155isa monolithic CMOS logic circuit designedto
generate transmitand receive frame synchronization pulses
forupto8 COMBOTM CODEC/Filters. Each frame sync
pulse maybe independently assignedtoa time slotina
frameofupto32 time slots. Assignmentsare controlledby
loadinginan 8-bit wordviaa simple serial interface port.
This control interfaceis compatible withthat usedonthe
TP3020/TP3021 and 2910/2911 CODECs, enablingan
easy upgradeto COMBO CODEC/Filterstobe made.
Features Controlsupto8 COMBO CODEC/Filters Independent transmitand receive timeslot assignments 8-channel unidirectional modeUpto32 time slotsper frame Serial control interface compatible with TP3020/TP3021
CODECsLS TTLand CMOS compatible inputs5 mW,5V operation
Typical Application
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarks ofNationalSemiconductorCorp.
COMBOTMisa trademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.