TP3057WM-X ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO FamilyFeaturesYComplete CODEC and filtering system (COMBO)The TP3054, TP3057 family consists of m-law and ..
TP3057WM-X ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO FamilyTP3054,TP3057‘‘Enhanced’’SerialInterfaceCODEC/FilterCOMBOFamilyAugust1994TP3054,TP3057‘‘Enhanced’’S ..
TP3057WM-X ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO Familyapplicationsdecode portion of each device consists of an expanding Yg5V operationdecoder, which rec ..
TP3061 ,UHF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN SILICONELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted.)CCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Un ..
TP3064J ,Enhanced Serial Interface CMOS CODEC/Filter COMBOTP3064,TP3067‘‘Enhanced’’SerialInterfaceCMOSCODEC/FilterCOMBOOctober1991TP3064,TP3067‘‘Enhanced’’Se ..
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TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO Family
August 1994
TP3054, TP3057
‘‘Enhanced’’ Serial Interface
CODEC/Filter COMBOÉ Family
General Description
The TP3054, TP3057 family consistsof m-law and A-law
monolithic PCM CODEC/filters utilizingthe A/D and D/A
conversion architecture shown inFigure1,anda serialPCM
interface. The devicesare fabricated using National’sad-
vanced double-poly CMOS process (microCMOS).
The encode portionof each device consistsofan input gain
adjust amplifier,an activeRC pre-filterwhich eliminatesvery
high frequency noise priorto enteringa switched-capacitor
band-passfilter thatrejects signals below200Hz andabove
3400Hz. Also includedare auto-zero circuitryanda com-
panding coder which samplesthe filtered signal anden-
codesitinthe companded m-lawor A-law PCM format.The
decode portionof each device consistsofan expanding
decoder, which reconstructsthe analog signal fromthe
companded m-lawor A-law code,a low-pass filter which
correctsforthesinx/x responseofthe decoder outputand
rejects signals above 3400Hz followedbya single-ended
power amplifier capableof drivinglow impedance loads.
The devices requiretwo 1.536 MHz, 1.544 MHzor 2.048
MHz transmit and receive master clocks, which maybe
asynchronous; transmit and receivebit clocks, which may
vary from64kHzto 2.048 MHz; and transmit and receive
frame sync pulses. The timingofthe frame sync pulsesand
PCM datais compatible withboth industry standard formats.
Features Complete CODECand filtering system (COMBO)
including: Transmit high-passand low-pass filtering Receive low-pass filter withsinx/x correction ActiveRC noise filters m-lawor A-law compatible COderand DECoder Internal precision voltage reference SerialI/O interface Internal auto-zero circuitry m-law, 16-pinÐTP3054 A-law, 16-pinÐTP3057 Designedfor D3/D4and CCITT applications g5V operation Low operating powerÐtypically50mW Power-down standby modeÐtypically3 mW Automatic power-down TTLor CMOS compatible digital interfaces Maximizesline interface card circuit density Dual-In-Lineor surface mount packages See also AN-370, ‘‘Techniquesfor Designing with
CODEC/Filter COMBO Circuits’’
Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number TP3054Jor TP3057J
SeeNS Package NumberJ16A
OrderNumber TP3054Nor TP3057N
SeeNS Package Number N16A
Order Number TP3054WMor TP3057WM
SeeNS PackageNumberM16B
Plastic Chip Carriers
Order Number TP3057V
SeeNS Package Number V20A
COMBOÉandTRI-STATEÉare registeredtrademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M125/PrintedinU.S.A.