TP3054N-X ,emiconductor provides analog solutions. The company delivers personal computer, communications, and consumer chip solutions.TP3054-X,TP3057-XExtendedTemperature‘‘Enhanced’’SerialInterfaceCODEC/FilterCOMBOFamilyPRELIMINARYSe ..
TP3054WM ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO FamilyFeaturesYComplete CODEC and filtering system (COMBO)The TP3054, TP3057 family consists of m-law and ..
TP3054WMX ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO FamilyFeaturesYComplete CODEC and filtering system (COMBO)The TP3054, TP3057 family consists of m-law and ..
TP3054WMX ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO FamilyFeaturesYComplete CODEC and filtering system (COMBO)The TP3054, TP3057 family consists of m-law and ..
TP3054WM-X ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO FamilyTP3054,TP3057‘‘Enhanced’’SerialInterfaceCODEC/FilterCOMBOFamilyAugust1994TP3054,TP3057‘‘Enhanced’’S ..
TP3054WM-X ,TP3052, TP3053, TP3054, TP3057, Enhanced Serial Interface CODEC/Filter COMBO Familyapplicationsdecode portion of each device consists of an expanding Yg5V operationdecoder, which rec ..
TPU3040 , Teletext Processors
TQ2-3V , 2-pole 5 mm Surface Mount Relay, JIS C0806 compliant Measurement equipment
TQ2-4.5V , 2-pole 5 mm Surface Mount Relay, JIS C0806 compliant Measurement equipment
TQ2-4.5V , 2-pole 5 mm Surface Mount Relay, JIS C0806 compliant Measurement equipment
TQ2-6V , 2-pole 5 mm Surface Mount Relay, JIS C0806 compliant Measurement equipment
TQ2-9V , 2-pole 5 mm Surface Mount Relay, JIS C0806 compliant Measurement equipment
emiconductor provides analog solutions. The company delivers personal computer, communications, and consumer chip solutions.
September 1994
TP3054-X, TP3057-X
Extended Temperature ‘‘Enhanced’’ Serial
Interface CODEC/Filter COMBOÉ Family
General Description
The TP3054, TP3057 family consistsof m-law and A-law
monolithic PCM CODEC/filters utilizingthe A/D and D/A
conversion architecture shown inFigure1,anda serialPCM
interface. The devicesare fabricated using National’sad-
vanced double-poly CMOS process (microCMOS).
The encode portionof each device consistsofan input gain
adjust amplifier,an activeRC pre-filterwhich eliminatesvery
high frequency noise priorto enteringa switched-capacitor
band-passfilter thatrejects signals below200Hz andabove
3400Hz. Also includedare auto-zero circuitryanda com-
panding coder which samplesthe filtered signal anden-
codesitinthe companded m-lawor A-law PCM format.The
decode portionof each device consistsofan expanding
decoder, which reconstructsthe analog signal fromthe
companded m-lawor A-law code,a low-pass filter which
correctsforthesinx/x responseofthe decoder outputand
rejects signals above 3400Hz followedbya single-ended
power amplifier capableof drivinglow impedance loads.
The devices require two 1.536 MHz, 1.544 MHzor
2.048 MHz transmitand receive master clocks, which may asynchronous; transmit and receivebit clocks, which
may vary from64 kHzto 2.048 MHz;and transmitandre-
ceive frame sync pulses.The timingofthe frame sync puls-and PCM datais compatible with both industry standard
Features b40§Cto a85§C operation Complete CODECand filtering system (COMBO)
including: Transmit high-passand low-pass filtering Receive low-pass filter withsinx/x correction ActiveRC noise filters m-lawor A-law compatible COderand DECoder Internal precision voltage reference SerialI/O interface Internal auto-zero circuitry m-law, 16-pinÐTP3054 A-law, 16-pinÐTP3057 Designedfor D3/D4and CCITT applications g5V operation Low operating powerÐtypically50mW Power-down standby modeÐtypically3 mW Automatic power-down TTLor CMOS compatible digital interfaces Maximizesline interface card circuit density Dual-In-Lineor PCC surface mount packages See also AN-370, ‘‘Techniquesfor Designing with
CODEC/Filter COMBO Circuits’’
Connection Diagrams
Plastic Chip Carriers
Top View
Order Number TP3057V-X Package Number V20A
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number TP3054J-Xor TP3057J-X PackageNumberJ16A
OrderNumber TP3054N-Xor TP3057N-X Package Number N16A
COMBOÉandTRI-STATEÉare registeredtrademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.