TODX2402 ,TOSLINK Fiberoptic Devices
TODX2402 ,TOSLINK Fiberoptic Devices
TOIM4232 ,SIR Endec for IrDA Applications \r\nIntegrated Interface CircuitRev. A1.1, 31-Jul-02 1 (12)TOIM4232Vishay SemiconductorsPin Assignment and DescriptionPin Symbol Fu ..
TOIM4232 ,SIR Endec for IrDA Applications \r\nIntegrated Interface Circuit Document Number 825464 (12) Rev. A1.1, 31-Jul-02TOIM4232Vishay SemiconductorsOperation Description ..
TOIM4232 ,SIR Endec for IrDA Applications \r\nIntegrated Interface CircuitRev. A1.1, 31-Jul-02 3 (12)TOIM4232Vishay SemiconductorsDC CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Min. Typ ..
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TPS77633PWP ,Fast-Transient-Response 500-mA LDO Voltage RegulatorMAXIMUM RATINGS(1)Over operating temperature range (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TPS775xx, TPS7 ..
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TOSLINK Fiberoptic Devices
NewProduct . T O D X 2 4 O 2
. Unit : mm
FOR SMI (Small Multimedia Interface)
CONNECTOR 18,8:e0.2
0 Data Rate : 50 to M0 Mble. l N
0 Transmission Distance 3 l i',
t Up to 20 m (250Mbls) 3 . t ......) g
Up to 60 m (125Mb/s)** 2. l
ty Operating Temparature: ds tit
0 to 60 't: (250Mbts) 115:01 £5,
"10 to 70 'tl (125Mbls) 5.0
0 3.3V PECL I terf N. N ' ,
n ace 2 3 L, . oil E ...
. ii g ' I , F 1 21:02 -i-- -
** Reference value a cum . uaaoxs " 1.773
t1889x3 3.550 .
1. GND1 (Receiver)
2. OUTPUT (+)
3. OUTPUT (-)
5. V001 (Receiver) .
6. Vch (Receiver)
7. Vcc3 fr ransmitter)
Handing precaution -
The LED's used in this product contain 'l: mg; (cl
GaAs (Gallium Arsenlde), .
Care must be taken to protect the safety IO. Enable
of _, people and the 11. GND2 (T ransmhter)
environment when scrapping or terminal 12. GND3 (Transmitter)
processing. 13. Case
14. Case
O'KBHIBA is continually writing to ilprove the quality and the reliability of its products. Nevertheless, seaitxnduetor devices 'T''''''", can alftnctic
or fail in to their mm a lecu'icnl sensitivity and vulmnbility to physical m It is the respxtsibilitr of the
twat, dmuti1ixireTtrNi1hrmx1xrts tocbserwstwdmbofsafoty. adtotrruidsitustiatsirohidtam1Nstiatarftd1ut_Sm
pruutaxt1draastr1ossofuatiiftt, txxli1riutrre_tomtgxsrtr.htthmrtasir-ksigas, p1asseatamrtutTtNI1nptuutatrtxrused
Iithin specified operatim mm " set forth in the mat recent mama atmrificatims. Alax please keep in mind the mics and conditions
set fteth in the 11811111 swam Reliability Brdxxk
OTho information contained herein is presented only " a guide for the applications of our products. th responsibility is assumed
by TOSHIBA mum for any irtfringsmmta of patents or other rights of the third parties Ihich my result fro: its use.
No' license is granted hr indication or othanise mder my patch} or patent rights of TOSHIBA or others.
OGa11iasarsetddittus)fstsiuxsuatxrusedinthspmtuts&scrtbed inthis&xutmt.GNtutttrdNssarstuxialhnothrmt,attgr
mtlveHrs the product, or use chenicals to dissolve then. Ihen disposing of the products, fol low the appmpriata regulations. Do not dispose of the product
'ith other industrial waste or with douestic garbage.
OThe Infm'mtim ccntaimd herein is abject to charge without notice.
2001-11-15 1/7
1. Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C)
Storage Temperature Tstg --20 '"- 85 'C
Operating Temperature(250Mb/s) Topr 0 -- 60 'ty
Operating Temperature(125Mb/s) Topr MO ~ 70 "C
Supply Voltage Vcc -0.5 -- 4.5 V
Output Current lo 50 mA
Soldering Temperature Tsol 260 tl) 'ty
Note tll Soldering time s 3 seconds. (More than 1 mm apart from package)
2. Recommended Operating Conditions
Supply Voltage Vcc 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
Data Rate 50 - 250 Mbls
Mark Ratio - 50 - %
Output Load RL - 50 -.. tl
3. Electrical and Optical Characteristics (Ta=25°C. Vcc=3.3V)
Date Rate NRZ code 50 - 250 Mbls
Transmission Distance ttlt,',''" , 0.1 - 20 m
Using APFRI 0.1 - 50 m
Center Wavelength 1 c - 650 - mm
Fiber Optic Powe? Pf ..7.0 - - 3.0 dBm,avg
Maximum Receivable Power“3r Pmax 0 - - dBm,avg
Minimum Receivable Powerol Pmin Using APFW - - - 19.0 dBm,avg
Using APF1zl - - - 22.0 dBm,avg
Current Consurnption(T) lcc(T) - 40 55 mA
Current consumptiontRjm lcc(R) - 35 45 mA
High Level Input Voltage VIH Vcc-1.165 - Vcc-0.88 V
Low Level Input Voltage VIL Vco-1.81 - Vctyn.475 V
High Level Output Voltage VOH Vco-1.045 - Vco-0.88 V
Low Level Output Voltage VOL Vcc-1.84 - Vcc-1.62 V
Output Voltage(Enable On) trl Vccx 0.8 - - V
Output Voltagetiinable Off) WI - - Vccx 0.2 v
Receivable Power (SD On) Wr Using APF121 - - - 19.0 dBm,avg
Receivable Power (SD Off) wo Using APF© - - - 20.0 dBm,avg
Output Voltage (SD On) Vccx 0.8 - - V V
Output Voltage (SD Off) - - Vccx 0.2 V
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TOSHIBA "roDx2402
Note ll, All Plastic Fiber (NA=0. 33, 980/1000 " m).
’Measured by standard ogticalI fiber. Averaged value.
t', ar.. 1 Pattern. BER EMO" .Averaged Value.
(S) 27.. 1 Pattern. Eye Opening S 50% Averaged Value.
The value at 125 Mbls operation Is reference value.
f,' 1tte.t output current.
2pere.rettr] Is on when Enable is H level or open.
','0,tee1t,tt1i, Is off when Disablei Is L level.
'0The value when SD output changes from L level to H level.
1"’The value when SD output _changes from H level to L level.
5 . Application Circuit
© 0.4 ' GND
©C . R1 §R3- OUTPUT(+)
© C} V OUTPUTr-1
$0 A CI C2 .1. R2 Rt,, SD _RI=R3=R?'R8 82 o
A V -r- f , R2=R4=R5=R7 130 n
‘v I 'TTh . v Vcc
0 - L " . tM=C3' 0.01 "
"ill, 03:1: " R5 $127; Iftttt 02:04 _ 10 "
INPUTt-0 L 47 " H
© O l INPUT(+) .
© C or Ferrite Inductor
(D 0] tht “R6? "is Enahttt , (1800@100MHz)
© V' GND
l. Place termination resistors near receiving input data point-
2. Make differential signal paths short and of the same length with equal termination
to Vcc-2V.
3. Signal trace should be 50 ohm transmission lines (microstrip or strip line) .
Use ground plane (or multi-layer) printed circuit board for best high frequency
4. Use high-frequency monolithic ceramic bypass capacitors and low M resistance
inductors. Locate power supply filter components close to a optical transceiver.
5. Do not directly connect optical trtttuttiver'tt tith. outputs to the GND without proper
current limiting impedance.
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6 . Applicable optical fiber with fiber optic connectors.
SMI Optical cable
RFA4412M-* * * (Manufactured by Mitsubishi Rayon Co.,LTD)
7 . Precaution on Use
(1) Maximum Rating
The maximum ratings are the limit values which must not be exceeded when using the device'.
Any one of the ratings must not be exceeded. If the maximum rating is exceeded, the
characteristics may not be recovered. In some extreme cases, the device may be
permanently damage.
(2) Life of light emitters
When the optical module is used for over a long period, degeneration of characteristics is mostly
due to lowering of the fiber output power (Pf). This is caused by the degradation of the optical
output of the LED's used as the light source. The cause of degradation of the optical output
of the LED's may be defects in wafer crystallization or mold resin stress. The detailed causes
are, however, not clear.
The life of light emitters is greatly influenced by operating conditions and usage environnIent
as well as the life characteristics unique to the device. Thus, when selecting a light emitter and
setting the operating conditions, Toshiba recommends that you check the life characteristics.
Depending on the environment conditions, Toshiba recommends maintenance such as
- regular checks on the amount of optical output.
(3) Soldering
Optical modules use semiconductor devices internally. However, In principle, optical modules
are optical components. At soldering, take care that flux dose not contact the emitting surface
or detecting surface. Also take care at flux removal after soldering.
Some optical modules come with protective cap. The protective cap is used to avoid malfunction
when the optical module is not in use. Not that it is not dust or waterproof.
As mentioned before, optical modules are optical component. Thus, in principle,soldering where
' there may be flux residue or flux removal after soldering is not recommended.
Toshiba recommends that soldering be performed without the optical module mounted on the board.
Then, after the board is cleaned, solder the optical module manually. Do not perform any further
cleaning." the optical module cannot be soldered manually, use non-halogen (chlorine-free) flux and
make sure, without cleaning. there is no residue such as chlorine.
This Is one of the ways to eliminate the effects of ilur. In such a case, check the reliability.
(4) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
When handling individual devices (Which are not yet mounted
on a printed circuit board), be sure that the environment .
is protected against electrostatic electricity. Operators
should wear anti-static clothing, and containers and other v/ts
objects which come into direct contact with deices should
be made of anti-static materials and should be grounded to
earth via an 0.5 to 1.0 M0 protective resistor. . . .
Please follow the precautions described below, I this is
particularly important for devices which are marked "Be
careful of static.''..
2001-11-15 4/7
(A) Work ehvironment
. when humidity in the working environment decreases, the human body and other insulators can
easily become charged with static electricity due to friction.
Maintain the recommended humidity of 40% to 60%' In the work environment. while also taking into
account the fact that moisture-proof-packed products nay absorb moisture after unpacking.
. Be sure that all equipment, jigs and tools' In the working area are grounded to earth.
3 Place a conductive mat over the door of the work area, or take other appropriate measures, so that
the Mor surface is protected against static electricity' and is grounded to earth. The surface
resistivity should be ttf to lif leq and the resistance between surface and ground, 7.5x105to ttf
l Cover the workbench surface also with a conductive mat (with a surface resistivity of 104 to 10"
leq. for a resistance between surface and ground of 7.5 x 105 to Id' 0 ).The purpose of this ls
to disperse static electricity on the surface (through resistive components) and ground it to earth.
Workbench surfaces must not be constructed of low-resistanee metallic materials that allow rapid
static discharge when a charged device touches them directly.
. Pay attention to the following points when using automatic equipment in your workplace:
(a) When picking up le with a vacuum unit, use a conductive rubber fitting on the end of the
pick-up wand to protect against electrostatic charge.
(b) Minimize friction on IC package surfaces. If some rubbing is unavoidable due to the device‘s
mechanical structure, minimize the friction plane or use material with a small friction coefficient
and low electrical resistance. Also, consider the use of an ionizer.
(c) in sections, which come into contact with device, lead terminals, use a material, which
dissipates static electricity.
(d) Ensure that no statically charged bodies (such as work clothes or the human body) touch the
(e) Make sure that sections of the tape carrier which come into contact with installation devices or
other electrical machinery are made of a low-reslstance material.
(f) Make sure that jigs and tools used in the assembly process do not touch devices.
(g)ln processes in which packages may retain an electrostatic charge, use an Ionizer to neutralize
the ions.
. Make sure that CRT displays in the working area are protected against static charge,
for example by a VDT filter. As much as possible, avoid turning displays on and off.
Doing so can cause electrostatic induction in devices. F
. Keep track of charged potential in the working area by taking periodic measurements.
- Ensure that work chairs are Protected by an anti-static textile cover and are grounded to the floor
surface by a ogrounding chain. (suggested resistance between the seat surface and grounding chain is
t tMos to 10 2 a .)
Install anti-static mats on storage shelf LL,, (Suggested surface resistivity Is 104 to Itf leq;
suggested resistance between surface and groundi Is 7. 5x105 to ttf D .)
. For transport and temporary storage of devices, use containers (boxes, jigs or bags) that are made of
antystatie materials or materials which dissipate electrostatic charge.
. Make sure that cart surfaces which come Into contact with device packaging are made of materials
which Will conduct static electricity, and verify that they are grounded to the Mor surface via a
grounding chain.
-In any location where the level ot static electricity Is to be closely controlled, the ground resistance level
should be Class 3 or above. Use different ground wires for all items of equipment, which may come
into physical contact with devices.
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(B) Operating environment
. Operators must wear anti-static clothing and conductive
shoes (Or a leg or heel strap).
. ”Operators must wear a wrist strap grounded to earth via
a resistor ot about 1 M th gir
. Soldering irons must be grounded from iron tip to earth, and
.must be used only at low voltages (6 V to 24 V).
. If the tweezers you use are likely to touch the device
terminals, use anti-static tweezers and in particular avoid
metallic tweezers. if a charged device touches a low-resistance
tool, rapid discharge can occur. When using vacuum tweezers,
attach a conductive chucking pat to the tip, and connect it to a dedicated ground used especially for
anti-static purposes (suggested resistance value: 104 to Itf i2)
. Do not place devices or their containers near sources of strong electrical fields (such as above a CRT).
. When storing printed circuit boards which have devices mounted on them, use a board container or bag
that is protected against static charge. To avoid the occurrence of static charge or discharge due to
friction, keep the boards separate from one Other and do not stack them directly on top of one
another. _
. Ensure, if possible, that any articles (such as' clipboards) which are brought to any location where the
level of static electricity must be closely controlled are constructed of anti-static materials.
(5) Noise resistance
It is believed that the use of optical transfer devices improve the noise resistance. In principle, optical
fiber is not affected by noise. However, especially receiving module which handle signals whose level is
extremely small, are comparatively more susceptible to noise.
This device improves noise resistance using a conductive case. However, the current of the signal
output from the photodiode of the optic receiving module is extremely small. Thus, depending on the
usage environment, shielding the case is not sufficient for noise resistance.
When using this one, we recommends that you test using the actual device and check the noise
Use a simple noise filter on this device's power line. if the ripple in power supply used is high, further
reinforce the filter.
When locating the optical module in an area susceptible to radiated noise,increase shielding by covering
the optical module and the power line filter using a metallic cover .
(6) Vibration and Shock
This module is plastic sealed with wire fixed by resin. The structure is relatively sound against
vibration or shock. In actual equipment, there are some cases where vibration, shock, or stress is
applied'to soldered parts or connected parts, resultingin line cut. Attention must be paid to the
design of the mechanism for applications which are subject to large amounts of vibration.
(7) Solvent
When using solvent for iiux removal, do not use a high acid or high alkali solvent. Be careful not to pour
solvent in the optical connector ports. If solvent is inadvertently poured there, clean with cotton tips.
(8) Protective cap
When this optical transceiver is not in use, use the protective cap.
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TtlSl8lllllillR TODX2402
(9) Supply voltage
Use the supply voltage within the typical operating condition (Vctr=3.3dr.th3V). V
Make sure that supply voltage does not exceed the maximum rating value of 4.5V, even
(10) In'put voltage
It a voltage exceeding the maximum rating value (Vcc+0. 5V) is applied to the transmitter input,
the internal IC may degrade causing some damage. If excessive voltage dUe to surges may be added
to the Input, insert a protective circuit.
(11) Soldering condition
Solder at 260°C or less within Three seconds.
(12) Precaution on waste
_ When discarding devices and packing materials, follow procedures stipulated by local regulations
in order to protect the environment against contamination.
Compound semiconductors such as GaAs are used as LED materials for this module.
When discarding waste or at final processing, attention must be pald to workers and the environment.
(13) Precaution on use
The Toshiba products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications
(computer, personal equipment, office equipment, domestic appliances, etc).
These Toshiba products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires
extraordinarily high quality andlor reliability or malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human
life or bodily inluryt''Unintended Usage'').Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments,
airplane or spaceship instruments. transportation instruments, traffie signal instruments, combustion
control instruments, medical instruments, industrial instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.
Unintended Usage of Toshiba products listed in this document shall be made at the customers' own risk.
Toshiba is continually working to improve the quality and the reliability of Its products. Nevertheless,
semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and
vulnerability to physical stress.
It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing Toshiba products, to observe standards of safety, and
to avoid situations In which a malfunction or failure of a Toshiba product could cause loss of human life,
bodily injury or damage to property.
in developing your designs, please ensure that Toshiba products are used within specified operating
ranges as set forth in the most recent product specifications.
Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth In the Toshiba Semiconductor
Reliability Handbook.
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