TMS3637P ,Remote Control Transmitter/Receiver
TMS3705 ,LF Reader IC 16-SOIC -40 to 85Features1• Base Station IC for TI-RFid™ RF Identification • Short-Circuit ProtectionSystems• Diagno ..
TMS3705A1DRG4 ,LF Reader IC 16-SOIC -40 to 85block diagram.VDDSCIDigital DemodulatorEncoderLimiter DiagnosisTransponderA_TSTResonance-FrequencyS ..
TMS3705BDRG4 ,LF Reader IC 16-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics.. 7 8.3 Tools and Software...... 195.5 Thermal Resistance Characteristic ..
TMS3705BDRG4 ,LF Reader IC 16-SOIC -40 to 85Block Diagram. 2 6.9 Frequency Divider........ 122 Revision History..... 3 6.10 Digital Demodulator ..
TPS61100PWR ,Adjustable, 95% Efficient Boost Converter with 120-mA LDO for Single/Dual-Cell ApplicationsFEATURESSwitch)• Synchronous 95% Efficient Boost Converter• Load Disconnect During Shutdown• Integr ..
TPS61100RGER ,Adjustable, 95% Efficient Boost Converter with 120-mA LDO for Single/Dual-Cell ApplicationsBLOCK DIAGRAMSWNVOUTAnti-VBATRingingAutoDischargePGNDGatePGNDCONTROLPGNDErrorRegulator FBAmplifierV ..
TPS61120 ,Adjustable, 95% Efficient Boost Converter with 200-mA LDO for 1-Cell LiIon or Dual-Cell ApplicationsFeatures 3 DescriptionThe TPS6112x devices provide a complete power1• Synchronous, 95% Efficient, B ..
TPS61120PW ,Adjustable, 95% Efficient Boost Converter with 200-mA LDO for 1-Cell LiIon or Dual-Cell ApplicationsBlock Diagram... 12Information..... 264 Revision HistoryChanges from Revision C (April 2004) to Rev ..
TPS61120PWR ,Adjustable, 95% Efficient Boost Converter with 200-mA LDO for 1-Cell LiIon or Dual-Cell Applications SLVS427D–JUNE 2002–REVISED MAY 20155 Device Options(1)Table 1. Available Output Voltage Options(2) ..
TPS61122PW ,3.6-V 95% Efficient Boost Converter with 3.3-V 200-mA LDO for 1-Cell LiIon or Dual-Cell ApplicationsFeatures 3 DescriptionThe TPS6112x devices provide a complete power1• Synchronous, 95% Efficient, B ..
Remote Control Transmitter/Receiver