TMS320VC33PGE120 ,Digital Signal ProcessorTMS320VC33DIGITALSIGNALPROCESSORSPRS087E -- FEBRUARY 1999 -- REVISED JANUARY 2004D High-Performance ..
TMS320VC33PGE150 ,Digital Signal ProcessorTMS320VC33DIGITALSIGNALPROCESSORSPRS087E -- FEBRUARY 1999 -- REVISED JANUARY 2004D High-Performance ..
TMS320VC33PGE-150 ,Digital Signal Processorfeatures.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and u ..
TMS320VC33PGEA120 ,Digital Signal ProcessorTMS320VC33DIGITALSIGNALPROCESSORSPRS087E -- FEBRUARY 1999 -- REVISED JANUARY 2004D High-Performance ..
TMS320VC5402 ,Digital Signal ProcessorMaximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Terminal Functions . . . . . ..
TPS60204DGSRG4 ,Regulated 3.3-V Low Ripple Charge Pump with Low Battery Indicator 10-VSSOP -40 to 85 SLVS354A − FEBRUA ..
TPS60204DGSRG4 ,Regulated 3.3-V Low Ripple Charge Pump with Low Battery Indicator 10-VSSOP -40 to 85block diagramsTPS60204 with low-battery detectorCharge Pump 10°INOscillator180°C1+C1C1−ENCharge Pum ..
TPS60205DGS ,Regulated 3.3-V Low Ripple Charge Pump with Power Good Indicatorfeatures10-pin MSOP With Only Four External Regulated 3.3-V Output Voltage With up toCapacitors Re ..
TPS60212DGS ,Regulated 3.3-V 50-mA Low-Ripple Charge Pump with Ultra Low Operating Currentblock diagramsTPS60210 and TPS60212 with low-battery detectorCharge Pump 10°INOscillator180°C1+C1C1 ..
TPS60212DGSRG4 ,Regulated 3.3-V 50-mA Low-Ripple Charge Pump with Ultra Low Operating Current 10-VSSOP -40 to 85features(TPS60210EVM-167) Regulated 3.3-V Output Voltage From a1.8-V to 3.6-V Input Voltage Rangea ..
TPS60230RGTR ,5-Channel, Current-regulated 125-mA Charge Pump for White LED Backlight in 3x3 QFNSLVS516A–MAY 2004–REVISED JUNE 2004WHITE LED CHARGE PUMP CURRENT SOURCEWITH PWM BRIGHTNESS CONTROL
Per Second (MFLOPS)-- 75 Million Instructions Per Second(MIPS)-- TMS320VC33-120-- 17-ns Instruction Cycle Time-- 120 MFLOPS-- 60 MIPS 34K×
32-Bit (1.1-Mbit) On-Chip WordsofDual-Access Static Random-AccessMemory (SRAM) Configuredin2×
16K Plus2×
1K Blocksto Improve InternalPerformance x5 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) ClockGenerator Very Low Power:< 200 mW@ 150 MFLOPS 32-Bit High-Performance CPU 16-/32-Bit Integer and 32-/40-BitFloating-Point Operations Four Internally Decoded Page StrobestoSimplify Interfaceto I/O and MemoryDevices Boot-Program Loader EDGEMODE Selectable External Interrupts 32-Bit Instruction Word, 24-Bit Addresses Eight Extended-Precision RegistersOperation Fabricated Using the 0.18-μm(leff-EffectiveGate Length) TImeline™ ProcessTechnology by Texas Instruments (TI) 144-Pin Low-Profile Quad Flatpack (LQFP)(PGE Suffix) Two Address Generators With EightAuxiliary Registers and Two AuxiliaryRegister Arithmetic Units (ARAUs) Two Low-Power Modes Two- and Three-Operand Instructions Parallel Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) andMultiplier Executionina Single Cycle Block-Repeat Capability Zero-Overhead Loops With Single-CycleBranches Conditional Calls and Returns Interlocked Instructions forMultiprocessing Support Bus-Control Registers ConfigureStrobe-Control Wait-State Generation 1.8-V (Core) and 3.3-V (I/O) Supply Voltages On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic,IEEE Std 1149.1† (JTAG)descriptionThe TMS320VC33 DSPisa 32-bit, floating-point processor manufacturedin 0.18-μm four-level-metal CMOS(TImeline) technology. The TMS320VC33is partof the TMS320C3x generationof DSPs from TexasInstruments.
The TMS320C3x’s internal busing and special digital-signal-processing instruction set have the speed andflexibilityto execute upto 150 million floating-point operations per second (MFLOPS). The TMS320VC33optimizes speedby implementing functionsin hardware that other processors implement through softwareormicrocode. This hardware-intensive approach provides performance previously unavailableona single chip.
The TMS320VC33 can perform parallel multiply and ALU operationson integeror floating-point dataina singlecycle. Each processor also possessesa general-purpose register file,a program cache, dedicated ARAUs,internal dual-access memories, one DMA channel supporting concurrent I/O, anda short machine-cycle time.High performance and easeof use are the resultsof these features.
Pleasebe aware thatan important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and usein critical applicationsof
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appearsatthe endof this data sheet.
TImelineisa trademarkof Texas Instruments.
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