TMS320C6201GJCA200 ,Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processorfeaturesofeachdevice,includingthe capacity of on-chip RAM, the peripherals, the execution time, and ..
TMS320C6201GJL200 ,Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processorelectrical characteristics over recommended ranges ofsupply voltage and operating case temperature ..
TMS320C6202BGNY300 ,Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processormaximum ratings over operating caseDMAC, timer, power-down timing 96temperature ranges ........ 46 ..
TMS320C6202BGNZ250 ,Fixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorFeaturesCompatible(Motorola™)-- Byte-Addressable(8-,16-,32-BitData)-- 8-BitOverflowProtection D Two ..
TMS320C6202BZNZ250 ,Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor 352-FCBGA TMS320C6202,TMS320C6202BFIXED-POINTDIGITALSIGNALPROCESSORSSPRS104I -- OCTOBER 1999 -- REVISED MARCH ..
TMS320C6202BZNZ300 ,Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor 352-FCBGA block diagram 9asynchronous memory timing ... 52CPU (DSP core) description ..... 10synchronous-burs ..
TPS5102IDBT ,Dual Output Synchronous Buck Controller with Wide Input Voltage RangeTPS5102 DUAL, HIGH-EFFICIENCY CONTROLLER FOR NOTEBOOK PC POWER SLVS239 - SEPTEMBER 1999DBT PACKAGE* ..
TPS5102IDBTR ,Dual Output Synchronous Buck Controller with Wide Input Voltage RangeTPS5102 DUAL, HIGH-EFFICIENCY CONTROLLER FOR NOTEBOOK PC POWER SLVS239 - SEPTEMBER 1999DBT PACKAGE* ..
TPS5102IDBTR ,Dual Output Synchronous Buck Controller with Wide Input Voltage RangeTPS5102 DUAL, HIGH-EFFICIENCY CONTROLLER FOR NOTEBOOK PC POWER SLVS239 - SEPTEMBER 1999DBT PACKAGE* ..
TPS5103IDB ,Synchronous Buck Controller with Wide Input Voltage RangeTPS5103MULTIPLE MODE SYNCHRONOUS DC/DC CONTROLLERSLVS240A – SEPTEMBER 1999 – REVISED MAY 2001* Step ..
TPS5103IDBG4 ,Synchronous Buck Controller with Wide Input Voltage Range 20-SSOP -40 to 85TPS5103MULTIPLE MODE SYNCHRONOUS DC/DC CONTROLLERSLVS240A – SEPTEMBER 1999 – REVISED MAY 2001* Step ..
TPS5103IDBR ,Synchronous Buck Controller with Wide Input Voltage RangeTPS5103MULTIPLE MODE SYNCHRONOUS DC/DC CONTROLLERSLVS240A – SEPTEMBER 1999 – REVISED MAY 2001* Step ..
Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor
-- 1600 MIPS VelociTI™ Advanced Very Long InstructionWord (VLIW) TMS320C62x™ DSP CPU Core-- Eight Independent Functional Units:-- SixALUs(32-/40-Bit)-- Two 16-Bit Multipliers (32-Bit Results)-- Load-Store Architecture With32 32-BitGeneral-Purpose Registers-- Instruction Packing Reduces Code Size-- All Instructions Conditional Instruction Set Features-- Byte-Addressable (8-, 16-, 32-Bit Data)-- 32-Bit Address Range-- 8-Bit Overflow Protection-- Saturation-- Bit-Field Extract, Set, Clear-- Bit-Counting-- Normalization 1M-Bit On-Chip SRAM-- 512K-Bit Internal Program/Cache(16K 32-Bit Instructions)-- 512K-Bit Dual-Access Internal Data(64K Bytes) Organizedas Two Blocks forImproved Concurrency 32-Bit External Memory Interface (EMIF)-- Glueless Interfaceto AsynchronousMemories: SRAM and EPROM-- Glueless Interfaceto SynchronousMemories: SDRAM and SBSRAM Four-Channel BootloadingDirect-Memory-Access (DMA) Controllerwith an Auxiliary Channel 16-Bit Host-Port Interface (HPI)-- Accessto Entire Memory Map Two Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports(McBSPs)-- Direct Interfaceto T1/E1, MVIP, SCSAFramers-- ST-Bus-Switching Compatible-- Upto 256 Channels Each-- AC97-Compatible-- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)Compatible (Motorola™) Two 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers Flexible Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) ClockGenerator IEEE-1149.1 (JTAG†) Boundary-ScanCompatible 352-Pin BGA Package (GJC Suffix) 352-Pin BGA Package (GJL Suffix) CMOS Technology-- 0.18-μm/5-Level Metal Process 3.3-V I/Os, 1.8-V InternalPleasebe aware thatan important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and usein critical applicationsof
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appearsatthe endofthis data sheet.
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